Yoga Poses
3 Secret Tips To Increase Height Quickly
Our height can influence our professional and personal life to a great extent. That’s why a majority of men and women are always looking to get taller. There are vital perks both in terms of health and lifestyle if you are a few extra inches taller. Method One:...
Mountain Climber (Running Planks)
Benefits It is a full-body exercise. It strengthens whole lower body muscles and shoulder. How to do Begin with traditional plank position — shoulders over hands and weight on just your toes. Bring your right knee forward under your chest, with the toes just off the...
Sitting half spinal twist pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Benefits It providing nutrients, blood, and oxygen, and improving the health of the reproductive system as well as the urinary system. Beneficial for menstrual disorders and Energizes the spine, Stimulates the liver and kidneys Tip The many hand variations in this...
Head-to-knee forward bend (Janu Sirsasana)
Benefits Therapeutic for high blood pressure, insomnia, and sinusitis Relieves anxiety, fatigue, headache, menstrual discomfort The liver and kidneys are stimulated. Menstrual and menopausal disorders are reduced. Tips Make sure the bent-leg foot doesn’t slide under...
Legs up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
Benefits Relieves tired or cramped legs and feet Alleviates headaches Relieves lower-back pain Calms the mind Tips Use your breath to ground the heads of the thighs bones into the wall, which helps release your groins, belly, and spine. In the pose imagine that each...
Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Benefits It soothes the digestive and the reproductive systems and treats conditions like irritable bowel disease, infertility, menstrual disorders, digestive issues, menopause, etc. It gives your groins, internal thighs, and knees a good stretch. It reduces muscle...
3 Benefits Of Tree Pose – Best Yoga pose (Vrikshasana)
Tree Pose is the best pose that strengthens the leg improves balance and fixation while quieting your brain. Its Sanskrit name, “Vrksasana” (vrik-SHAH-Suh-nuh), originates from two words: “Vrksa,” which signifies “tree” “Asana,” which signifies “present” Tree Pose...
Garland pose (Malasana)
Benefits Stretches the ankles, groins and back torso It tones the belly. Instigates metabolism. Increases flexibility in your ankles and knees. Tips If twisting is difficult, sit on the front edge of a chair seat, thighs forming a right angle to your torso, heels on...
Upward Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)
Benefits Reduces cramps at the calf, hamstrings and quadriceps Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland Stretches the shoulders, chest, and front ankles Strengthens the arms, core, legs and back. Tips Exercise with a chair support: Sit near the front edge of the...
Seated Wide Angle Pose (Upavistha Konasana) Yoga Pose
Benefits It Stimulates the abdominal organs Strengthens and tones the abs, spine and legs. Helps to cure and relieve sciatica and arthritis. It detoxifies the kidneys. Tips This pose is quite challenging for beginners. If you find it hard to bend forward, you could...
Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana)
Benefits Strengthens hands, wrists, arms, core, and legs It stretches the backs of the legs. Improves sense of balance and focus Tips To learn the correct weight distribution in the pose, exercise it with the soles of your feet pressing against a wall. How to do ...
Shanmukhi mudra
Benefits Great for facial muscles and appearance as the heat and prana of the hands and fingers stimulates and relaxes facial muscles. Useful for managing anxiety and removing negative intellectual patterns. It stimulates sensory organs and later stages sense...
Yoga- 5 Poses helpful as a solution to relieve acidity and gas
Yoga is the magical mantra in today’s world where it can relieve all your health-related issues just in a few months and show great results without many big-money investments. All you need to invest is tie for your health and spare some time from your daily routine...
Have a perfect posture in 2021
Keeping up with a regular routine to practice yoga is a vital part of managing all health-related issues and taking them off you. But let’s get into the harsh or bitter truth, it’s not always easy to stay healthy and active all the time.It’s never facile to deal with...
Yoga for Diabetes- A perfect blend to cure diabetes in 2021
Our daily lifestyle is increasingly becoming worst with unhealthy eating habits and irregular also poor sleeping patterns, it is affecting our body, both physically and mentally. In India, according to studies, India is the home to the second-largest diabetes patients...
Yoga – A master to make anxiety your slave in 2021
A person can get away with any disease until he or she has the spirit to fight it. Where does that spirit fade away and how can one get that spirit back in themselves? There’s a simple answer to it, which is Yoga. Induce a happy mood in yourself. That feeling of...
Don’t let depression depress you- Stay strong you!!
Depression in simple words is something that one must not face at any age. Depression is a type of disorder that can create a feeling of loneliness in you. When you start feeling that you have friends but still when you need someone in your weakest point, you look...
Yoga for treating Anxiety- A cure for all in 2021
In the current scenario, you must have surely heard from several people talking about having anxiety issues or anxiety. One must have heard several suicidal cases in the newspapers, news channels, etc. What is this anxiety? Why are people so tired of their life that...
Yoga for perfect sleep and relaxation in 2021
We, humans, spend almost 1-3rd of our lives sleeping. There is a major difference between just sleeping and having a good, comfortable and healthy sleep.Be it an ordinary man or a rich person, a healthy sleep often results in a day with increased productivity and...
Proof That Yoga for women really Works- 6 yoga poses helpful for women at every stage
Hey ladies! It is not at all easy being a woman. I’m sure all the girls and ladies out there agree with me on this one. At every stage of a women’s life weather, it is being a daughter, a wife, or when she finally becomes a mother, all hell lot of obstacles is always...
Thinking about yoga for period pain? Go for these 5 yoga poses to ease your pain.
“Period pain”- A girl cannot explain what to do they go through during this time. Did you know “Period pain can be as painful as having a heart attack or even worse? Sometimes I wonder why only girls have to undergo such dreadful situations in life. Any other girl who...
Yoga and Detoxification- A powerful duo in 2021
Yoga or Yog is the way one lives his or her life. Something unconventional that’s beyond the Yoga classes and sessions one takes. Having a detoxed and healthy body is not only important for our health purposes but also is a necessity for better survival in 2021 and...
Yoga- The easiest way to relief constipation
In today’s time, people are maintaining a diet they shouldn’t. A diet that is filled with unhealthy junk foods like pizzas, burgers, pasta, etc. further are destroying one’s digestive system. Life is easy if you stay healthy and becomes hard with the smallest problems...
Yoga- The remedy to treat cellulite in your body in 2021
Yoga is the only way to get rid of issues with cellulite. Talking about cellulite, one must know what it is and how to reduce it using Yoga. But why we have to get rid of it also one question that must arise in many minds.Our body has been tough for us all maintaining...
In most cases, women are ignorant of the particular condition. Well, let me tell you it’s probably not the right decision. Failure to pay attention to any kind of disease that affects your health is the worst-case scenario. In certain situations, women are not...
Yogistic lifestyle to solve High Blood Pressure issues in 2021- Yoga Poses to reduce BP
If one has a blood pressure with a Systolic count within 120 mm Hg and a diastolic count within 80 mm Hg, then one has normal blood pressure.If your systolic count is between 120-140 mm Hg and your diastolic count is between 80-90 mm Hg your blood pressure is on the...
Yoga For Knee Pain | 5 best Yoga Poses For Knee Pain Relief
We all must have often observed that as the age gets older, the quantity or essence of calcium in the human body declines to lead to issues in bones such as knee bone. One of the simple reasons for knee pain is lack of diet and growing age. Other reasons can be a...
5 Top Postpartum Yoga Poses | Postpartum Yoga Poses
LET’S CELEBRATE MOTHERHOODMotherhood is the big new step to a wonderful new life- A life of motherhood, a life of responsibility, and a joy of being a mother to her own child she kept 9 months inside her and took great care of her child. The process of motherhood is...
TWERK THAT BOOTY! 5 Yoga poses for a Bigger, Stronger, and Perfect butt.
Can you define a sexy or a perfect booty? Oh well! All of us have booties of different size and shape isn't? This might sound creepy to you but, have you ever stared at someone else's booty and it has got you wondering what a perfect and sculpted booty the Man or the...
KNEE PAIN: Here are 5 Enormously useful Yoga Poses for Knee pain relief
I bet your knees are bent right now! My guess was surely right, but very skillfully you just changed the position of your legs and you probably have a subtle smile on your face and that’s how I wanted you to start reading this article with a smile on your face. I feel...
Weight gain 2021 – Yoga is the ultimate secret
The first question that comes to mind is weight gain necessary? Almost half of the world is following diet plans, running to the gym, joining yoga classes just to lose a little amount of weight they got. It is surprising to find out there is a section of people who...
Master The Art Of Yoga For Seniors With These 5 Yoga poses
The word "SENIORS" is not only daunting for our parents but also terrifying for their children as well. Why do you ask? Why won't it? I mean this is the age, you need to take the redundant amount of care. Parents enter their retirement period and the first worry that...
What is Sciatica? | Everything You Need to Know
What is Sciatica? Have you heard of it before? No, then you definitely should at least gain a little bit of knowledge on what is it and how it may affect you. It is a back pain that may get worse with time and should be taken care of at the earliest. The most...
How to Get a Bikini Body Easily in 21 days at home
Hello,Welcome!If you are reading this article, I am sure you have gone from complacency to determination, from spending thousands of bucks on gym memberships to getting frustrated over no apparent results. or you are too busy at the gym because you are trying to...