3 Secret Tips To Increase Height Quickly

3 Secret Tips To Increase Height Quickly

Our height can influence our professional and personal life to a great extent. That’s why a majority of men and women are always looking to get taller.

There are vital perks both in terms of health and lifestyle if you are a few extra inches taller.

Method One: Yoga

There are some effective ways of increasing your height. In this article, we’ll mention a few of the best ways you can grow taller.

The best yoga exercises to increase height

I have found that yoga effectively addresses your height issues. A good posture is key to better height. It is crucial to maintain rhythmic and deep breathing when performing yoga(follow the recommendations in the video).  The main goal is to build a relaxed and conscious body to eliminate every obstacle in your path to becoming taller.   https://www.quora.com/Can-yoga-poses-increase-height

1. Surya Namaskar Pose

3 Secret Tips To Increase Height Quickly

There are 12 amazing Yoga poses[asanas] that help you grow taller naturally. The video is an illustration to help you do asanas more accurately. I will be focusing more on some of the complex yet powerful asanas from Surya Namaskar that will help you to achieve your desired increase height faster.

2.  Sukhasana Pose

The sukhasana has the potential to draw you into a deep meditative state. It extends your spine which gradually helps your height.

3. Tadasana Pose

The Mountain pose; is the base of all standing poses. It improves flexibility while building strength in your arms, legs, and spine. Works best for increasing height if practiced from an early age.

4. Puppy Pose

The puppy pose mainly targets your spine and leg muscles to help you grow faster & Increase Height. This relaxed pose will help you a lot in strengthening your back.

5. Utthita trikonasana Pose

The pose of the triangle; It helps in improving body balance and allows you to have good posture. This asana is especially useful for relieving stress.

6. Adho Mukha Svanasana Pose

Dog pose face down; one of the most acknowledged poses that contributes to a better height. It increases blood flow to the face and neck, thereby keeping your skin radiant. It also reduces stress and enhances mental health.

7. Prasarita padottanasana Pose

It stretched spine posture, directed at every part of the body – from head to toe. It is useful for those who have a noticeably shorter lower body.

For more info, visit https://food.ndtv.com/health/yoga-for-beginners-10-basic-poses-to-get-you-started-1229662

8. Akarna Dhanurasana pose

In Sanskrit, “a” means ” in the direction”, “next.” Karna is the “ear”, Dhana – is “the bow”.

The asana resembles an Archer pulling a bow. It is performed in two steps. Minor deformations of the hip joints are corrected. The asana increases the flexibility of the legs and abdominal muscles, increasing intestinal motility.

9. Anantasana pose

The pose of this asana resembles the temple dedicated to God – Ananta Padmanabha (Padma – lotus, nabha – navel), located in Trivandrum, India. It relieves back pain and stretches the pelvic floor muscles preventing the formation of a hernia.

10. Ardha Matsyendrasana I pose

3 Secret Tips To Increase Height Quickly
Ardha Matsyendrasana – A simplified version of Paripurna Matsyendrasana – a posture in which the spine curls as deep as possible. Regular practice of this asana prevents enlargement of the prostate gland and inflammation of the bladder.

11. Ardha Matsyendrasana II pose

In this asana, the abdomen contracts, and stretches simultaneously. Thanks to lateral twisting of the spine, lumbago, as well as pain in the back and hip joints, quickly disappears. The neck muscles are strengthened, and the shoulder joints become more mobile. Regular practice of this asana prevents the enlargement of the prostate and bladder.

12. Cow Pose

You can efficiently work on stretching and lengthening your spine with this pose. This pose is straightforward to master, and helps in working on the upper part of your body.

13. Tree Pose

This pose teaches excellent self-control and balance. People of all ages can easily benefit from this pose.

This pose is done by doing a namaste with arms above your head. After this, you have to raise a leg and bring it up to the knee of the other one and rest it there.

Method Two: Food

1. Chicken

Another element, taurine found in chicken that can help you with your height.

2. Almonds

Along with healthy fats, magnesium, and fiber, Vitamin E found in Almonds acts as an antioxidant inside the human body. Eating a recommended amount of Almonds regularly can help improve our bone health and increase height.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt also helps to cope with many growth-related issues in children. Probiotics are healthy bacteria found in yogurt that enhance metabolism helping us to grow taller.

4. Eggs

Each egg contains up to 6 grams of protein. Vitamin D found in the eggs promotes the absorption of calcium in your bones, promoting growth especially in children.

Method Three: Exercise

Here are some of the well-known exercises that can help you grow taller in a short period of time.

1. Hanging

The exercise strengthens your upper body and increases height.

2. Jogging

3. Skipping

Skipping is the exercise that you can conveniently do at your home. This exercise will also help make your legs longer.
I don’t generally consider myself to be so moving—I just never thought of myself like that. I was consistently a fit individual; I was on my turn bicycle each morning and my yoga tangle presently. Yoga for me was absolutely wellness from the outset—I enjoyed the mantras and mudras, yet I didn’t generally get them. For me, it was just about the rawness—and afterward, I became ill. I don’t think anybody ever hopes to hear the words “you have malignant growth.” When disease came thumping it beat down the entryways and my entire world changed. I recall after three major medical procedures and just before chemotherapy, my instructor at that point, KK Clivio, would come and help me inhale, and that got me through the accompanying medical procedures. I recollect the first occasion when she got me into Pigeon with many, numerous props, I at long last let it go and just cried. What’s more, she simply continued saying “Breath. You should simply relax. It’s going to be alright.” I remember such a large number of people disclosing to me that I needed to fight, yet you don’t unwind and you don’t discharge and you don’t inhale when you fight, and afterward, I at long last acknowledged I simply needed to appear. I simply needed to appear each week and sit in that chemo seat and let the medicine do what is expected of it. I currently can say that yoga gave me a new life.

I had various medical procedures despite everything working through malignant growth. I have no inclination at all under my left armpit down to my elbow, and I’ve grappled with the way that my training won’t appear as though everybody else’s, and I’m not going to have the option to handstand without help. Furthermore, that is alright, in light of the fact that help is the thing that gets everyone through; we as whole need assistance. It’s my yoga practice and my locale at Laughing Lotus Yoga Center in New York City that helped me locate the genuine significance of family and backing, and that it is so imperative to give up and simply relax. I simply keep appearing, and I continue appealing to God for myself, for my companions who I’ve lost to bosom disease, and for all who battle with this horrible and brutal condition

Have a perfect posture in 2021

Have a perfect posture in 2021

Keeping up with a regular routine to practice yoga is a vital part of managing all health-related issues and taking them off you. But let’s get into the harsh or bitter truth, it’s not always easy to stay healthy and active all the time.
It’s never facile to deal with health issues or maintain a perfect posture all time but it is not impossible too. Maintaining a perfect posture is a hell of a task in today’s generation where everyone sleeps in some strange postures or sits on a worktable without maintaining a correct posture. Many of us due to WORK FROM HOME origin, sit and work on our laptops for hours on bed leading to a bad posture gradually leading to backache issues.
If you’ve been asking yourself this very question that how you must get over bad posture or have a perfect posture, then yoga might be the right choice for you!
Want to know how to have a good posture and the importance of yoga asana to stay fit? Keep scrolling…


Whenever we speak about fitness, Yoga is never behind. Yoga asanas are inclusive of various body postures ranging from a sitting asana to positions where you are focused on reclining, standing, twisting, and balancing your body. The term Asana is a Sanskrit word that means “postures”. Various kinds of asanas have different purposes. They can be practiced to:
Get a healthy body and mind
For a healthy weight gain/loss
Yoga for strength
Yoga for sleeping
Healthy mind and body using Meditational Yoga, etc.


One must know that a correct body posture can make you look tall, slim, and, most importantly, confident? And yet, something as easy as a right posture is what most of us lack today.

 Today’s modern lifestyle has strained the spine by keeping it curved for a long time. Long working hours and excessive use of gadgets make our bodies more slouch and hunched.

Yoga asana postures do not need any specific equipment, you can in an easy manner do all types of yoga asana at home. Even beginners can do basic yoga asanas if they follow the instructions nicely.

Yoga asanas are a daily part of people’s routine. Surya Namaskar, breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom, and much more are some of the most famous and common asana yoga poses that one can do effectively at home. Just by taking proper guidance from a yoga teacher or watching online videos for all yoga asanas.

Some ways to avoid bad postures are:

-> Do not slouch- Slouching causes our lungs to bend which constricts the flow of oxygen to the body and causes headaches.

-> Sit in a correct posture- Most people complain of back pain because they tend to sit with their strange weird positions. Make sure that your legs are well supported and your feet evenly on the ground. The ankles should be in line with the knees while sitting. Also, while meditating, start the practice by sitting straight.

– > Keep reminders to keep your posture correct-  This will guide you particularly in the beginning. Using sticky notes on your work desk, or setting reminders of the right postures on your phone that tell you to sit, stand and walk straight.

Simple and easy daily routine yoga asanas are also very smooth to do such that even kids can do them. To have a better picture of the best yoga asanas for posture, let’s read more, But before that, let’s know some benefits of yoga for good posture.


When it certainly adds to the advantages of yoga asanas, one would be surprised to see the long list. Enlisted are some of the most commonly known advantages of different yoga asanas:

1. Performing yoga asanas reduces stress and anxiety. Easy yoga poses can boost mood and peace of mind. You can also get glowing and healthy skin with yoga.

2. Easy yoga asanas like meditation can improve sleep quality. Easy yoga poses like Balasana can offer relief from menstrual pain and discomfort. Detoxification of the body can be done by easy yoga poses.

3. Yoga asanas such as Ardha Matsyendrasana improve the digestive system. Performing yoga asanas regularly helps with weight loss and calorie burn.

4. Yoga asanas can also boost flexibility and good body posture. Yoga asanas increase self-awareness. Strengthen and tone muscles with easy yoga pose like Tadasana.

5. Performing yoga asanas helps in relieving pain in the back, neck, leg, and other body parts, and much more diseases.



 1. It is one of the best exercises for posture.

2.It doesn’t only strengthen your core. It also challenges your balancing abilities and hip flexors.

3. This contributes to an improved posture.

4. When attempting this pose, make sure to sit on your sit bones, not on your tailbone! If this doesn’t work yet, you can keep your knees bent.

5. Prioritize a straight spine and unrounded lower back over the looks of the asana.



1. It is another best option for strengthening your core while working the whole body.
2. To be able to hold this pose for a while without completing cooking your shoulders, you have to use body tension. Tensing your complete body.

3. Locust pose:

1. The Locust pose works those back muscles. Simply lay on your belly, with your arms alongside the body and the palms down.

2. Then, on an inhale, peel your upper body and your legs off the ground. Feel that tension in the back! That is those posture muscles working.

3. It’ll be good if you can gently drawing your shoulder blades towards each other while in locust pose.

4. Cobra pose:

1. It is one of the best posture exercises for your upper back. It counters the rounded shoulder posture by strengthening your upper back muscles.

2. To make it most effective put as little weight as possible in your hands when lifting your head and chest off the floor. Let your back muscles work nicely

3. When muscles get stronger over time, they’ll pull your shoulders back without you even noticing.

Not only this, Yoga helps in various ways enlisted below:

• Accurate BMI and Great flexibility + balance of body
• Less bad weight gain
• Shoot down in neck and back pain
• Excellent for people with asthma symptoms
• Cures or reduces blood pressure
•  Cures or reduces blood sugars
• Improved lipid (blood fat) profiles
• Cures or reduces cancer-related fatigue
•Confidence and fresh look with a better body image
• Sharper focus and concentration + general health awareness in 2021

After knowing such numerous benefits and ways to cure diseases, are you still thinking to opt for Yoga or not, then you’re doing wrong to yourself? YOGA IS THE BEST WAY TO CURE ALL HEALTH-RELATED PROBLEMS, LET IT SINK IN!


All people must give themselves a checklist that they’re suffering from a disease or having a bad posture will recover soon without any problems and observe good results. Stay strong at every stage of life. You need to take good care of yourself and especially YOUR HEALTH. Whatsoever stress you have to spare some time out and relax with the help of Yoga and meditation.

Yoga for Diabetes- A perfect blend to cure diabetes in 2021

Yoga for Diabetes- A perfect blend to cure diabetes in 2021

Our daily lifestyle is increasingly becoming worst with unhealthy eating habits and irregular also poor sleeping patterns, it is affecting our body, both physically and mentally. In India, according to studies, India is the home to the second-largest diabetes patients in the world, which is adverse.

In our human body, insulin is the one type of hormone that regulates sugar content in the blood. Diabetes occurs due to drastic changes in sugar levels in our blood.

There are two types of diabetes:

Type-1 diabetes- It occurs when the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin. It requires insulin in the form of injections or insulin pumps

Type-2 diabetes- It is a medical condition when our body fails to use insulin effectively. The treatment of Type-2 diabetes is possible by using drugs that shoot up the efficiency of insulin absorption.

Following a proper diet and exercise routine can guide in managing the blood sugar levels in the case of Type-2 diabetes. Exercising just provides a helping hand in preventing complications, it can be quite dangerous for people who’re not active physically or are old. In that scenario cases, yoga can be an effective way to build body strength, maintain fitness, and improvise the physical and mental wellness of their bodies.

Yoga comes out as an excellent selection for staying healthy with diabetes. Yoga is the most effective way of training to build your body muscles that guide in better regulation of blood sugar levels in the body. It also results in the efficient utilization of insulin by changing glucose into energy.

Some of the benefits of Yoga for diabetic patients are:

  • Decreases stress levels
  • Shoots up strength and flexibility
  • Prevents heart diseases
  • Improvise the emotional health
  • Relaxing your mind and reducing stress hormones

Some of the recommended asanas for diabetic patients are enlisted below: 

1. Mountain Pose or Tadasana

This best yoga for beginner’s pose helps improves your posture and reduces flat feet. Apart from strengthening your thighs, knees, and ankles, this pose also provides relief from backaches.

Stand with your feet slightly apart on the floor and your arms at the sides. Tuck your tailbone to engage the abdominal and hamstring muscles. Breathe in and extend your arms upward on the sides with your palms facing up. Exhale and bring your arms back down slowly.

2. Child’s Pose or Balasana

This relaxing pose guides the production of beta cells that produce insulin. The child’s pose is a perfect resting pose to practice between more challenging poses.

Sit on your feet with your knees apart. Lower down your head slowly to the mat, and rest your belly on top of your thighs. Stretch your arms forward with your palms facing down as you touch the mat in front of your head. Hold this pose for 10 to 20 seconds, and relax the tailbone towards your heels to stretch your lower back.

3. Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

This pose improves blood circulation by stretching your chest, spine, neck, and hips. It calms the nervous system and brain to alleviate depression and stress.

Lie on your back with knees bent, keep feet flat on the floor and maintain a distance of hip-width to keep your legs apart. Press your heels down into the mat. Lift the tailbone to keep your hips and lower back above the floor. Lace the fingers of both the hands together under the hips use your abdomen and hamstrings to hold the bottom and back up. Now, Release your fingers and slowly lower your tailbone back down.

4. Plank Pose or Phalakasana

Strengthening your wrists, arms, shoulders, and spine, the Plank Pose improves your posture and tones all the core muscles.

Get on the floor on your hands and knees with your toes tucked. Liftoff your knees from the yoga mat and stretch your feet towards the end. In this position, your body must form a straight line, and your shoulders must stack vertically over the wrists, similar to a push-up position. Hold the pose by engaging the abdominal muscles for around a minute until you are comfortable. Relax down slowly.

5. Corpse Pose or Shavasana

This pose helps in relaxing the mind and improves concentration. Usually performed at the end of yoga practice, this pose induces sleep and relieves headaches and fatigue.

Lie flat on your back with your arms resting at the sides and palms facing up. Relax your body, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Starting with gentle breathing, proceed for deep inhaling and exhaling. This pose produces the best results when you warm up for about 5 minutes and end with a 10-minute relaxation.

6. Seated Forward Bend Pose or Paschimottanasana

The seated forward bending pose promotes weight loss and helps in relieving fatigue, headache, and anxiety.

Sit down on the mat, then extend your legs. Draw your toes back towards your shins.Sit straight on your sit bones and lengthen your spine. Hinging at your hips, bend forward to touch your feet with your hands. Fold your torso in between your legs with your chin tucking into your chest. Maintain the pose for up to 3 minutes until you are comfortable.

Not only this, Yoga helps in various ways enlisted below:

• Great flexibility and balance of body
• Accurate BMI
• Less bad weight gain
• Shoot down in neck and back pain
• Excellent for people with asthma symptoms
• Cures or reduces blood pressure
•  Cures or reduces blood sugars
• Improved lipid (blood fat) profiles
• Cures or reduces cancer-related fatigue
•Confidence and fresh look with a better body image
• Sharper focus and concentration + general health awareness in 2021.

After knowing such numerous benefits and ways to cure diabetes, are you still thinking to opt for Yoga or not, then you’re doing wrong to yourself? YOGA IS THE BEST WAY TO CURE DIABETES, LET IT SINK IN!


All diabetic patients must give themselves a checklist that they’re suffering from a disease that will recover soon without any problems.

Yoga is an exercise that the yoga asanas mentioned above rarely harm your body, you must talk and be in consultation with a professional yoga instructor and your doctor before you start practicing them. Looking at your health conditions, they would suggest you the best yoga poses. It’s good to start with beginner’s yoga and pull back if you feel pain or discomfort in your body.

Stay strong at every stage of life. You need to take good care of yourself and especially YOUR HEALTH. Whatsoever stress you have to spare some time out and relax with the help of Yoga and meditation.

Yoga – A master to make anxiety your slave in 2021

Yoga – A master to make anxiety your slave in 2021

A person can get away with any disease until he or she has the spirit to fight it. Where does that spirit fade away and how can one get that spirit back in themselves?

There’s a simple answer to it, which is Yoga. Induce a happy mood in yourself. That feeling of happiness, acceptance, the fresh mood that you have you can get that all back in you by practicing Yoga.

 Are you feeling like losing interest in the things you do?
Are you feeling like locking yourself in the room alone for hours thinking about someone or something that’s cracking you up?
Are you feeling to cry for hours but you cannot?
Are you feeling to destroy everything around you or yourself? 

It is a virus that’s grown inside you. A dangerous virus you have to kill and throw away from you.

To remove this virus from your mind, you need to comprehend the reason for your anxiety and depression. Know why are you sad? What makes you wake up lost and unhappy in the morning? What is making you skip meals? What is the reason that you’re overthinking and pondering about someone or something again and again?
It’s anxiety attacks or issues, the stress that’s killing the human inside you, the happiness creating hormones inside you. Stop doing that to yourself. The first step to stop this harmful virus to spread like a viral fever is to comprehend the reason behind it and get away from it. Take a break, get yourself at peace and condemned.

Some traits to make out if you have an anxiety disorder?

  • One feels unusually panicky, scared, and uneasy.
  • It gets all uncontrolled, one has obsessive thoughts of past traumatic experiences.
  • Waking up from frequent nightmares.
  • One tends to repeatedly wash your hands.
  • Having sleeping problems.
  • Your hands and feet stay sweaty unusually.
  • You get palpitations quite often.  

Yoga-The master and Anxiety-The slave 

Regular practice of yoga and meditation keeps you relaxed in daily life and can also give you the power to face events as they come without getting restless. Yoga practice is inclusive of the complete package of asanas or body postures, pranayamas (such as breathing techniques), all of which have been a savior to several anxiety patients who recover and face life with new positivity and the ray of hope to be happy. 


1. Balasana 

To performs this pose sit on your heels, keeping your hips on the heels, bend forward and lower your forehead to the ground. Stretch your arms on the ground straight and then press your chest slightly to your thighs. Hold the asana and try to breathe. Gently release back to relieve from the pose. 

2. Uttanasana 

  • To do this pose you need to stand straight by placing your arms along the side of the body. Try to balance your weight on both feet. Now slowly bend downward by bringing your arms straight to your head. Stay in the posture for 20 seconds. Keeping your spine, hands, and legs straight touch your chest to your knees.On inhaling, stretch your arms straight and slowly lift the body up.

3. Badhakonasana

  • To do this pose you need to sit with an erect spine. Now bend your knees so that your feet are towards the pelvis. The soles of your feet should touch each other. Now put your hands under the feet for the support. Taking a deep breath in and out, try flapping your legs up and down like the wings of butterflies. Try increasing the speed as per your comfort of breathing. Now, slowly stretch your legs and relax.

4. Vrikshasana or Tree pose 

  • Stand straight with your arms alongside your body. Take a few deep breaths, and try to find an object or place in the room to focus your attention. Now, slowly start shifting your weight to the left leg and raise your right foot off the ground. Try to align the sole of the right foot with the inside of the left thigh. Make sure that your toes point down and the pelvis should be straight. Move your arms sideways and stretch them up straight above your head, towards the ceiling. Your palms should be pressed together to form an inverted V.

5. Trikonasana or Tringular pose

  • Stand straight with your feet wide apart. Place your left toes forward, while your right toes should be placed at a slight angle. Now, lift both your arms and extend them out from your shoulders. Place your palms face down. Extend the torso as you slowly reach forward with the left hand. Now, hinge your hip joint to move your right hip back and move your left hand down to your leg or the floor. Extend the right arm up towards the ceiling. Hold this pose for about 30 sec each side. Then follow the same steps with the opposite side.

6. Matsyasana or Fish Pose

  • Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out. Place your hands under your buttocks keeping your palms facing downwards. Now, slowly start to squeeze your elbows together while you expand your chest. Lean back onto your elbows and forearms, pressing down into your arms. If you are comfortable, allow your head to hang backward towards the floor or rest it on a cushion. Hold this pose for 30 sec with eyes open.

Not just this, Yoga helps in various ways enlisted below:

• Great flexibility and balance of body
• Accurate BMI
• Less bad weight gain
• Shoot down in neck and back pain
• Excellent for people with asthma symptoms
• Cures or reduces blood pressure
•  Cures or reduces blood sugars
• Improved lipid (blood fat) profiles
• Cures or reduces cancer-related fatigue
•Confidence and fresh look with a better body image
• Sharper focus and concentration + general health awareness in 2021 

After knowing such numerous benefits and ways to cure diseases be it mentally or physically. Are you still thinking to opt for Yoga or not, then you’re totally doing wrong to yourself? YOGA IS THE BEST WAY TO CURE ALL DISEASES, LET IT SINK IN!!


All the stressed people must give themselves a checklist that they’re suffering from a problem that will be fine soon without any problems. Stay strong at every stage of life. 

A person suffering from any physical disease can somewhere fight and get out of it only if he or she is mentally strong enough. Keeping your mind focused on yourself, staying calm and at peace is the major achievement one can make in their life. Anxiety is a big terminology used which somewhere indicated tiredness or frustrations in mind. 

Never let anyone disturb your mental peace or harm your mind. If you’re strong from your mind, you’re strong from the outside. Fighting anxiety is tough, but surely not impossible if you induce the mood and mantras of Yoga in 2021 and promise yourself to live a healthy life for yourself and enjoy your existence on earth. 

Relieve your stress using Yoga as a master. It is important for you to take good care of yourself and especially your health. Whatsoever stress you have to spare some time out and relax with the help of Yoga and meditation.



Yoga for treating Anxiety- A cure for all in 2021

Yoga for treating Anxiety- A cure for all in 2021

In the current scenario, you must have surely heard from several people talking about having anxiety issues or anxiety. One must have heard several suicidal cases in the newspapers, news channels, etc. What is this anxiety? Why are people so tired of their life that they’re haunted by thoughts going on inside their mind that leads them to end their lives?

A person can get away with any disease until he or she has the spirit to fight it. Where does that happy feeling fade away and how can one get that smile back in themselves? There’s a simple answer to it, which is Yoga. Induce a happy mood in yourself. That feeling of happiness, acceptance, the fresh mood that you have you can get that all back in you by practicing Yoga.

This blog would give you an outline of what anixety is and how is Yoga useful to you to overcome anxiety using Yoga.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety can be elaborated as a trait that depicts a sad or unpleasant state of mind. One often has strange nervous behavior with somatic complaints, etc. An unpleasant feeling or degraded state of mind. An emotional physically depicted by biting teeth or shaking hands.

Several people are seen as all absurd and blur-around people and hardly share their state of mind with anyone. The symptoms can be observed as certain mental traits or maybe disorder observed by medications or substances.

Looking for the reason to Anxiety issues

Look for the reasons you suffer anxiety. Is it due to some person,feeling,etc. Are you feeling low and disturbed due to some past experiences? Or some incident that haunted you in your childhood?

Anxiety can be an issue which can be dangerous upto a level to take away your life from you causing major diseases. If you see symptoms like losing control over your body,mind due to some emotional stress, immediately talk to someone you trust the most. It’s a virus that can gradually kill or destroy you.

Often, people think of anxiety as a type of stressful atmosphere. It can be experienced on an occasional scene based on the unpleasant aura or a person who affects your mental state a lot. Never let a person be important in your life above you, I repeat, never. One must see people with an anxiety issue are asked to describe anxiety attacks as a feeling that they might die or kill.

Yoga can be considered as one of the best therapies to make your way out of anxiety. Yoga provides you with tools to analyze your thought process, feelings, and actions in the right direction. It will not only help consciously but subconsciously through meditation to calm your mind and body.

Yoga shown to improvise anxiety scientifically 

According to several doctors and researchers, anxiety disorders are common and are affecting several people all over the world. Anxiety is a disease that must be resolved until it starts killing you as a person. While most people feel awkward and strange from time to time, it can make you feel excessively disturbed and interferes with day-to-day life growth.

Medications, including antidepressants and sometimes benzodiazepines, may also be used. Yet, not everyone is ready to take medication which can have adverse side effects. Yoga is taken as well-tolerated, easily accessible, and has a number of health benefits. There is an important value for people with an anxiety disorder to give yoga a shot to see if it works for them.


A person suffering from any physical disease can somewhere fight and get out of it only if he or she is mentally strong enough. Keeping your mind focused on yourself, staying calm and at peace is the major achievement one can make in their life. Anxietyis just some big terminology used which somewhere indicated tiredness or frustrations in mind.

Never let anyone disturb your mental peace or harm your mind. If you’re strong from your mind, you’re strong from the outside. Fighting  anxiety is tough, but surely not impossible if you induce the mood and mantras of Yoga in 2021 and promise yourself to live a healthy life for yourself and enjoy your existence on earth. 


1. What is the best yoga for anxiety issues?

Ans. The asana that is the best for anxiety issues is Child Pose or Balasana. It not only calms your mind and body but also relieves stress. Being at peace is really important and yoga is best for it.

2. Can yoga make you feel low or cause anxiety attacks?

Ans. Yoga is a practice that can never have harmful effects on your mind and anxiety attacks is a disease of the mind. It’s like a virus that one must throw away of his or her mind away by calming down and being at peace.

3. Can Yoga help with anxiety?

Ans. Yoga is one of the finest therapies used by several people to relieve anxiety. Meditation and Psychotherapy are a few techniques used as stress and anxiety-relieving therapies. But one must make up their mind and accept the fact that they want to get out of it in the first place. Acceptance is the major thing in mental peace disturbance by stress or anxiety.

Yoga for perfect sleep and relaxation in 2021

Yoga for perfect sleep and relaxation in 2021

We, humans, spend almost 1-3rd of our lives sleeping. There is a major difference between just sleeping and having a good, comfortable and healthy sleep.

Be it an ordinary man or a rich person, a healthy sleep often results in a day with increased productivity and efficiency. But, due to the increased pressure, stress, and anxiety, lack of sleep has become one of the most common problems among different age groups.

As per the records and statistics, almost 50 to 70 million people suffer from one or several sleep disorders.


There isn’t one reason for the lack of sleep. Anyone can experience sleep disturbances if they have any health problems in the respiratory system, or if they are suffering from diseases like Nocturia and chronic pain.
Sometimes, increased anxiety and stress may result in a lack of sleep. Whatever might be the cause, several; kinds of sleeping disorders like Insomnia, Parasomnia, etc. have adverse effects on human health.


There are several ways to solve the problems caused due to lack of sleep. Some mantras like cutting off on afternoon naps, sleeping usually at the same time, having an early dinner can solve the sleeping problems.

Sleeping problems like Insomnia might not always get better in a facile fashion. Yoga practice can heal Insomnia as several yoga poses are practiced to decrease the stress-causing hormones and calms the human body.

Sleep is associated with the nervous system and many yoga practices usually benefit the same. The benefits can be a great technique to solve sleeping disorders that occur due to mental stress and anxiety. The Yoga practice regulates mental peace and stability which is a primary reason for a sound sleep.

The yoga practice guide various age groups like children, adults, old humans, and even pregnant women to have a great sleep.


1. Balasana

To performs this pose sit on your heels, keeping your hips on the heels, bend forward and lower your forehead to the ground. Stretch your arms on the ground straight and then press your chest slightly to your thighs. Hold the asana and try to breathe. Gently release back to relieve from the pose.

2. Uttanasana

To do this pose you need to stand straight by placing your arms along the side of the body. Try to balance your weight on both feet. Now slowly bend downward by bringing your arms straight to your head. Stay in the posture for 20 seconds. Keeping your spine, hands, and legs straight touch your chest to your knees.On inhaling, stretch your arms straight and slowly lift the body.

3. Badhakonasana

To do this pose you need to sit with an erect spine. Now bend your knees so that your feet are towards the pelvis. The soles of your feet should touch each other. Now put your hands under the feet for the support. Taking a deep breath in and out, try flapping your legs up and down like the wings of butterflies. Try increasing the speed as per your comfort of breathing. Now, slowly stretch your legs and relax.

4. Marjariasana

To perform this pose, you need to sit in Vajrasana and stand on your knees. Now lean in the forward direction. Place the hands on the floor with palms down and finger facing forward. Slowly inhale a deep breath and raise along, stressing the spine in a downward direction, so that the back is in a concave shape. Now expand the abdomen as much as possible without forcing, fill the lungs with maximum air possible. Hold your breath for 3 seconds. Slowly exhale and lower the head while stretching the spine in an upward direction. Now contract the abdomen which is expanded. Repeat it for 3-5 rounds and relax slowly and get back to a normal position.

  • Not just this, Yoga helps in various ways enlisted below:• Great flexibility and balance of body

     • Accurate BMI
     • Less bad weight gain
     • Shoot down in neck and back pain
     • Excellent for people with asthma symptoms
     • Cures or reduces blood pressure
     • Cures or reduces blood sugars
     • Improved lipid (blood fat) profiles
     • Cures or reduces cancer-related fatigue
     •Confidence and fresh look with a better body image
     • Sharper focus and concentration + general health awareness in 2021

    After knowing such numerous benefits and ways to cure diseases, are you still thinking to opt for Yoga or not, then you’re doing wrong to yourself? YOGA IS THE BEST WAY TO CURE ALL DISEASES, LET IT SINK IN!


All the sleep-deprived people must give themselves a checklist that they’re suffering from a problem that will be fine soon without any problems. Stay strong at every stage of life. You need to take good care of yourself and especially your health. Whatsoever stress you have to spare some time out and relax with the help of Yoga and meditation.