How to Naturally Increase Your Height After 18

How to Naturally Increase Your Height After 18

It is quite possible naturally increase your height after 18.

But why?, How Possible ?

Your answer is here.

Ask a random girl to describe the preferred physical features she wants in her ideal man and you will almost certainly hear the good old “Tall, dark and handsome”. Okay. You may not hear dark (or any color for that matter) but she will most likely indicate interest in the tall man. I have not met anyone who would rather be short than tall. It’s not exclusively a female thing. Not by any chance. Most men want to be at least 6 feet tall and will seek any way to naturally increase in height if they feel they are not tall enough. There are programs and apps that can help you grow taller but we will return to this later.

If you are a teenager reading this, it is safe to say you are pretty much lucky. This is because most people attain their maximum height at about age 18. This goes without saying that individuals that are still in the stage of puberty have the highest chances and advantages when it comes to growing taller as their epiphyseal plates (otherwise known as growth plates) are still actively increasing in length.

“How does this happen?” You might ask. Science shows that during your pre-adolescent years, the cells of your growth plates multiply rapidly; forming cartilages in the process. Subsequently these cartilages will thicken with calcium and become solid (a process called calcification) and ultimately degenerate to form bone tissues. The process repeats itself day after day until the individual begins to observe improved length in their bones.

Of course you may not easily notice these differences if you aren’t observing your height closely through periodic measurements.

Things You Should Know About Your Height To Increase It Naturally After 18

Before moving further with how to increase your height, you may want to have an idea of a couple related stuff about human heights. It is possible that you are taller than you think or even somewhat shorter than the global average without evening knowing it.

Your Genes Play the Most Role To Increase Height

The type of genes you inherit from your parents will pretty much determine whether you will grow tall or not. The GH1. GPC3, FGFR3 – among others – determine just how tall you are going to be. If any of your immediate ancestors is adequately blessed in this regard, you have a great chance of faring well in terms of height.  Beyond these genetic heredity, your hormones largely determine when, how and to what degree you will grow. It is important that your body starts growing early and optimally when you are in your teenage as that is when you are likely going to attain the highest possible growth.

Nutrition Plays a Role To Increase Height

But only before you turn 18. It’s a no-brainer that your body grows best and most efficiently in your teenage days. As a result, you need the best nutrition at that stage if you hope to attain your maximum height. Of course you have to continue eating good food all through your life whether or not you are interested in getting taller.

Exercise and Yoga Help A Lot: The benefits of exercise are unlimited. From increasing your height naturally to burning excess fat and staying mentally alert. We’ll elaborate more on how to increase your height through yoga and other activities in the following subheadings.

This isn’t all there is to know but it is pretty much the major things you need to know. Given that you now have an idea of how your body gets to be tall or not so tall, we shall now proceed with what you have to do to increase your height if you are not satisfied with your current height.

What You Can Do to Increase Your Height After 18

After 18, as you may have already known, you will not grow much taller. Yet there is room for improvement. Environmental conditioning as well as proper nutrition remains relevant all through our lives. No doubt. But then, your body will respond more to two things: yoga and exercise.

Yoga helps. So does exercise – particularly stretching exercises. Studies have shown that our bodies appear taller when we are at sleep. This is because the discs of the vertebral column relax during sleep especially at night times when the rest is prolonged. It is thereby sufficient to say that engaging in stretching exercises help the body get taller as they rid tension from the lower back of the body.

Yoga postures help you grow taller as they elicit the same effect. But considering that you can somewhat increase your height by sleeping and resting more frequently than usual, it makes perfect sense that you become less of a night owl if you want to maximize whatever length abundant sleep has to offer you.

Talking about yoga for growing taller, a good number of postures prove to be more useful than the others. The Tadasana, for instance,is a great posture that brings about elongation on literally all parts of the body. It is believed that this elongation prompts the body’s growth hormones into action. To do the Tadasana posture, you have to stand straight vertically on your toes with both hands raised upwards on either side of your body. When you perform this yoga move, do well to breathe in while you raise both hands up and make sure your hips and hand and outspread legs are in perfect alignment.

Other relevant yoga postures include Ustra asana, Paschimotan asana and the elbow stand. For the elbow stand, you have to first lie on your back (on your yoga mat) with both of your hands by your sides. Next, you start raising your legs vertically (with your toes pointing towards the sky) while gradually using your elbow to support your hips. In fact, there are at least 15 different types of yoga asanas for growing taller but they are all beyond the scope of this article. We will go into details in our next blog post so stay with us.

Bottom Line

 If you are over the age of 18, it is important to note that you naturally won’t experience a quantum leap in height. You’re probably not going to add another foot in height. You have to generally accept your height the way it is knowing it represents your physical appearance, not the size of what you can do. Ask Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) of Game of Thrones.  However, natural processes such as exercise and yoga routines can help add an inch or more when done rightly.

You will learn more about these natural solutions that help increase your height. Until then, feel free to ask questions if you have any or perhaps share with us in the comments section. Also, have you successfully increased your height using a natural procedure or substance? Let us know below.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayam

Nadi Shodhan Pranayam


  • It also helps to alleviate respiratory allergies that cause hay fever, sneezing, or wheezing
  • Helps harmonize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which correlates to the logical and emotional sides of our personality.
  • It helps to balance hormones and maintains body temperature.
  • Lowers heart rate and reduces stress and anxiety
  • Fosters mental clarity and an alert mind.


  • It is a good idea to do a short meditation after doing this pranayama.
  • This breathing technique can also be practiced as part of the Padma Sadhana sequence.

How to do

  • Sit comfortably with your spine erect and shoulders relaxed. 
  • Place your right thumb on your right nostril and breathe with the left nostril.
  • Take 5 seconds to breathe. Now hold the breath in (Kumbhaka) for 5 seconds and then remove the right thumb from the right nostril and place the middle and ring finger on the left nostril and then release the breath from the right nostril.
  • Then hold the breath out for 5 seconds and remove the middle and ring finger from the left nostril and keep the thumb of your right hand on the right nostril and then leave the breath out from the left nostril.


Yogistic Lifestyle and diversifying Yoga for W- 6 poses beneficial for women

Yogistic Lifestyle and diversifying Yoga for W- 6 poses beneficial for women

Yoga has always been fruitful to women for several ways.

Here is what you need to know about the importance of Yoga for Women and how can Women make the most from it. Further, we’ll be elaborating for 6 yoga poses helpful for women at every stage.

Yoga Lifestyle for women -> Live for yourself

Women must inherit the yogistic lifestyle in their life for a healthy life. Fitness is necessary for a quality life. Bad health can surely reduce the smile and happiness from your life and multiply health and family issues. After all, if a woman is sick, the whole family collapses since anyhow the woman of the house is the one who’s the pillar of the house.

Woman’s health issues can surely be quite depressing when health issues gradually started troubling life. Problems like back pain, regular migraine issues, etc. are just an example of the home-makers or working women who work day and night to give themselves and their family a better life and a better lifestyle, and to make your pillars strong, a woman must adapt a yogistic lifestyle.

Transform the “Live to Eat” into “Eat to Live” in women

People are often seen to live to eat instead of eating to live. That’s one thing that creates a disaster, especially in a woman’s life. Often ladies are observed to be much moodier as compared to the boys resulting in excessive eating and ending up eating junk food out of stress.

Food is important for one’s survival and one must take care of food requirements. Often women are found so busy in their daily work and job work that they forget to take care of their physical workout and end up losing their fitness. This, later on, creates problems like back pain, headaches, gluten-fat, etc.

Ending up with such a pack and hectic schedule, the only and the most preferred rescue to stay fit is maintaining a diet to eat for survival and not live to eat. Also, one must prefer a regular practice of yoga along with a properly balanced diet.

Hear out the Biological Rhythm

Hearing out the biological rhythm of your body is a must to do the thing that one often ignores and neglects the most in their life. Hearing your biological rhythm to have food is important. Try to understand your body and its diet. Eat-in small proportions. Once you manage and balance your exercise routine.

After maintaining a good routine, you will surely experience the good factors and make sure to comprehend that it’s a slow process and it will take you time to maintain yourself and win back your health but you must stay in a routine with a good diet and yogistic lifestyle.

Transform the dressing style for your conscious

Slowly and steadily, you will realize the positives of yoga and the crucial importance of ‘breath’ that is life. When you’ve started being positive about your lifestyle and your health, now is the step that you transform the dressing style for your conscious.

You must have some improvements and changes in your dressing style. The first thing to do is to be body positive. It’s the acceptance of your shape, size, etc. Not everyone is perfect, perfection is just a myth and you must take care of the fact that you’re staying fit, healthy, and keeping a yogistic lifestyle focus to be fit not perfect.

6 yoga poses helpful for women at every stage

1. Chaturanga Dandasana Yoga

Begin with a plank, put your shoulders  in front of your hands and press the balls of your feet, pushing the soles of your feet back, as if there is a

Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position.Place your hands on the knees with your palms facing upwards.Inhale so your lungs are almost full, and then retain your breath.Drop your chin down and relax your shoulders away from your ears.Hold as long as you feel comfortable

2. Jalandhara Bandha Yoga

3. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana Yoga

From Table position, lower the forearms to the floor, tuck the toes under and lift the hips up towards the ceiling.Press the forearms, fingers and the palms into the floor, and press the hips up and back.Bend the knees and lower the hips back to starting pose and release, or come all the way down to the child pose.

4. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Yoga

Lie flat on the ground with your belly towards the floor. Your feet must face downwards, and your arms must be placed beside your body.Hold the pose for a few seconds. Exhale and release.

5. Bharadvajasana Yoga

Begin in Staff Pose, seated with both legs extended and elongate through the spine.While  exhalation, start to twist the torso to the left.Hook the back of the right hand around the front of the left knee.Finally, if the bind is accessible, wrap the left arm around the back and grasp the right bicep with the left hand. Gaze to the left.

6. Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga

Sit erect with your legs stretched out. Make sure that your feet are placed together and your spine is absolutely erect.Now, bend your left leg such that the heel of the left foot lies next to the right hip. You could also keep the left leg stretched out if you like.Then, place the right leg next to the left knee by taking it over the knee.


Yoga- Superman to get over back pain-2021

Yoga- Superman to get over back pain-2021

We all are aware of the health issues and the increasing problems caused during the covid times in 2021. The major reason for any disease is the unhealthy lifestyle we have adapted from past years. It is observed that the majority of people are suffering from back pain and haven’t recovered yet and are on high medications as well. But quite a few people have got over such back pain and have saved their lives by adapting to the daily practice of Yoga in their life.

Yoga has acted as a wonder for several patients with back problems to keep them intact and under control. Their overall quality of life has resulted in major improvements.

Here, this blog would address and resolving techniques of back pain is and how a few changes in your lifestyle and adopting yoga can help rescue your life.


The main problem that causes back pain is that people don’t follow proper form and posture. people easily drop a yoga pose without stretching. Yoga must be performed under proper supervision or doctor’s advice especially if you have issues in the back or several back injuries.

It is the same as jerking your body while lifting a dumbbell and doing fast reps instead of making a slow, controlled movement, or running on a treadmill at top speed without steadily increasing the tempo.

One must make sure that in Yoga, the muscles first create a solid foundation for movement, and further follow a proper form that slowly lengthens and stretches your body.

The reasons for back pain are quite complicated and can be taken out from many factors like: 

  • postural patterns and problems,
  • muscular tension,
  • mental pressures,
  • lack of exercising,
  • job requirements, and
  • old back injuries 

Majorly back pain starts with postural distortions, can result in an imbalance in the fascia and muscle tissues. 

Most people today are sitting most of the day. This will lead to a disaster by a decrease in the lumbar curve and can eventually contribute to (for example) herniated discs. 


Yoga exercises help to make your back muscles strong and the abdominal muscles. Muscle groups are necessary for maintaining a proper and straight body posture and for movement of the body. By strengthening your muscles and shooting up their control and awareness, back pain can be avoided. 

Yoga practices act as a rescuer and allow them to relax. People who suffer from lower back pain can take advantage of a lot from stretching not only the back muscles but the entire body. 

Finally, yoga practices help stimulate blood flow throughout the body, allowing nutrients to be carried through the body and toxins to be removed from the body. To conclude, overall nourishment of the muscles and tissues is improved. 

Comprehending scenarios and consequences to a person suffering from lower back pain, I’d suggest requesting your doctor or a physical therapist for major pieces of advice and contraindications. Once you are clear and aware of the positions or exercises you must not practice, then you can use the easiest forms available to practice yoga for backpain using some good applications available on ios or play store. Talking about yoga practices to relieve back pain, take care of these pointers: 

  • Lengthens the hip flexors
  • Re-establishing a healthy lumbar curve
  • Update and rescue the mobility in the front of the body, with chest openers and backbends
  • Strengthen the muscles of the lower back
  • Slowly activating the core
  • Yoga practice for mental relaxation and concentration 

Not only this, Yoga works like wonders to give various solutions to problems easily by: 

• Great flexibility and balance of body 

 • Accurate BM 

 • Less bad weight gain 

 • Shoot down in neck and back pain 

 •Excellent for people with asthma symptoms 

 • Cures or reduces blood pressure 

 • Cures or reduces blood sugars 

 • Improved lipid (blood fat) profiles 

 • Cures or reduces cancer-related fatigue 

 •Confidence and fresh look with a better body image 

 • Sharper focus and concentration + general health awareness in 2021 

After knowing such numerous benefits and ways to cure back pain issues, are you still thinking to opt for Yoga or not, then you’re doing wrong to yourself? YOGA IS THE BEST WAY TO CURE ANY PROBLEMS IN 2021, LET IT SINK IN! 

Conclusion : 

All the people troublesome by the back pain issues must give themselves a checklist that they’re suffering from a disease that will recover soon without any problems. Stay healthy and mentally strong at every stage of life. You need to take good care of yourself and especially your health. Whatsoever stress you have to spare some time out and relax with the help of Yoga and meditation. 

Is Yoga good for back pain?

According to studies, Yoga is a rescuer for many back pain patients. It helps many people in improvising their health in numerous ways. Yoga is the most effective therapy for back pain patients as there is an observed improvement in the lives of Yoga practioners.

Is it possible to lower back pain quickly?
What can you do to keep your back ache situation under control?
Top 5 Best yoga for heart health – Dr.Zio

Top 5 Best yoga for heart health – Dr.Zio

It is often observed that one can work on becoming sedentary with little physical activity to keep us occupied at home. The major reasons for a bad heart are stress, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle can have serious long-term health consequences. The major reasons for the unhealthy heart are – High blood pressure and high cholesterol are just two among many of the consequences of not treating your body well. 

Here, Yoga comes into action and is considered as one of the most working out alternatives in managing and keeping our heart healthy. Like the deepness of the problem itself, yoga helps in a comprehensive chain of health benefits within your body, that keeps your heart healthy.

Blood pressure or abbreviated as BP is the pressure by which the blood is circulating against the walls of blood vessels. Most of this pressure results from the heart pumping blood through the circulatory system. When used without qualification, the term “blood pressure” is stated as the pressure in the large arteries.

There are several poses that you can use to increase the health of your heart, and these poses are designed to help your blood to circulate properly and strengthen the heart muscle. The warrior pose and the triangle pose are designed to promote cardiovascular exercise and prompt you to breathe strategically and adequately. This helps you to increase your stamina, which gives you more energy to complete your daily activities and allows your heart to pump blood through the body quicker. 

Let’s further discuss how can yoga help one keeping a healthy heart.


1. Yoga with its poses works on your cardiovascular muscles for better functioning. 

2. The yoga poses bring stability to your circulatory system. Thirdly, yoga does very effective stress management; an important benefit in high blood pressure. 

3. And finally, yoga can also help you regain your ideal BMI; obesity is often a major reason for high blood pressure.

Yoga helps everyone to feel more at peace with the world and yourself which in turn gives one space to have a healthier lifestyle and not reach for unhealthy options or fall into old unhealthy habits.

Yoga works and emphasizes breath, focus, and meditation. Apart from building awareness of your mind and body, yoga can guide one to heart health by boosting blood circulation, keeping blood pressure in check, and relieving stress.

High levels of blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood glucose are major risk factors for heart disease. Practicing yoga reduces these levels significantly.  

A metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions such as blood pressure, high blood sugar, and excess body fat around the waist that occur simultaneously thereby drastically increasing the risk of heart disease.  

Thus, Yoga is also a highly recommended activity for patients who suffer from diabetes, hypertension, and other metabolic and lifestyle conditions. 

Of course, this aspect of yoga takes time and practice is what yoga is so you will forever be evolving and finding more about yourself than prior practices.

5 Great Yoga Poses For Rehabilitation For A Healthy Heart

If you have a good practice of these yoga poses you can resolve your high blood pressure issue in no time and help control it for long.

Spend a good amount of time like 30 minutes a  day on yoga exercises that will surely help you keep your stomach healthy and lead to a healthy body and mind.

1. Anulom Vilom Pranayma

Start by sitting in the meditation pose. Breathe in and out first. Start by closing one of the nostrils and then breathing in through the other. While exhaling, close the other nostril and breathe out through the nostril that was close before. Do this repeatedly with either one for a minute.

2. Uttanasana

Start by standing erect with your spine elongated. Keep your hands on your hips and inhale during that process. Following that, bring a slight softness to the knees and fold your body from your hips and bend down. Once done, place your palms on the ground by your feet. You can also hold your ankles firmly and hold that position. Hold this position for a few seconds. Gradually return to the original position.

3. Anjali Mudra

Start by sitting in the meditation pose without your hands relaxed. Bring your hands in front of your chest and do the “Namaste” position with your hand. This is what aligns the heart chakra. Close your eyes, relax and just take deep breaths. Hole your breath and then exhale gradually for maximum benefits. Do this persistently for a few minutes at a stretch.

4. Tadasana

Start by standing shoulder-width apart, keeping your arms loosely by the side of your body. Keeping your thigh muscles firm, strengthen the inner arches of your inner ankles while simultaneously lifting them. Stretch your hands from either side of your body and take them up to the top of your head and place them therein your feet so your heels are touching in the back and then gently lift yourself while pressure on the toes. Hold this posture for a few seconds and return to the original pose again. Repeat this 10 times in a time frame.

5. Sukhasana

Start by sitting in an erect position with your feet stretched out. Gradually bring in your feet and fold them at the knees and sit in the meditative pose. Make sure that your body is in a relaxed state and your knees and the shins are forming a triangle. Place the backside of your palm over the knees with your hands stretched out. Close your eyes, relax your body and just meditate to calm yourself down. Do this for 10 minutes straight.

Yoga is the way to a healthy life and longer life, start young, live young, Stay healthy!!”

Yogistic lifestyle- Solution to all problems- 7 Warm up exercises to stay fit

Yogistic lifestyle- Solution to all problems- 7 Warm up exercises to stay fit

Have you ever seen some people practicing some easy exercises on their Yoga Mats, before their advanced yoga sessions? No?

Let’s talk about it. Or Have you ever arrived early for a Warm-Up Yoga session and you’ve probably noticed your fellow yoga mates working on some simple stretches on their Yoga mats.

Though most yoga classes start with a Warm-Up Yoga series, it’s a good perception or starts for you to go through a few basic Warm-Up Yoga or stretches on your own that will help you prepare for the session ahead.

Adding on to preparing your physical body, you’ll get into your yoga mindset, providing a relevant separation from the rest of your day.

Let’s further discuss how can Warm-Up Yoga help one keep a healthy lifestyle and further elaborate some great Warm-Up Yoga to stay fit or start yoga as a beginner.

How Can Warm-Up Yoga Help One Stay Fit And Healthy?

Warm-Up Yoga asanas can help in:-

1. It is the best option to opt for better functioning of mind and body. 

2. To bring stability to your body system which helps in enhancing and upgrading your body to a better health system. 

3. Yoga and warm-up exercises do very effective stress management.

3. And finally, Warm-Up Yoga can also help you maintain a regular BMI that helps you stay fit and rock solid.

Warm-Up Yoga helps everyone to feel more at peace with the world and yourself which in turn gives one space to have a healthier lifestyle and not reach for unhealthy options or fall into old unhealthy habits.

Yoga works and emphasizes breath, focus, and meditation. Apart from building awareness of your mind and body, it helps you understand your own body.

Thus, Warm-Up Yoga is also a highly recommended activity for all beginners to improvise their lifestyle and adapt the way that one lives their life smoothly.

Of course, the advanced aspect of yoga takes time and practice is what yoga is so you will forever be evolving and finding more about yourself than prior practices.

Fabulous Warm-Up Yoga For A Healthy Mind And Body

If you have good practice of these Warm-Up Yoga as a beginner you can resolve all your health-related issues in no time and help to control them for long.

Your body stamina would increase and would help you stretch better for better flexibility in your body.

Spend a good amount of time like 30 minutes a day on yoga exercises that will surely help you keep your stomach healthy and lead to a healthy body and mind.

1. Anulom Vilom Pranayma

1. Start by sitting in the meditation pose.

2. Breathe in and out first.

3. Start by closing one of the nostrils and then breathing in through the other.

4. While exhaling, close the other nostril and breathe out through the nostril that was close before.

5. Do this repeatedly with either one for a minute.

2. Neck Rolls

1. Start by standing erect with your spine elongated or by sitting in the meditation pose. 

2. Starting from the center, exhale and roll to the left.

3. Inhale whilst being up and exhale roll to the right.

4. Once you have done five of these half-circles you can move into the full range – but be careful when you roll your head back.

3. Anjali Mudra

1. Begin by sitting in the meditation pose without your hands relaxed.

2. Bring your hands in front of your chest and do the “Namaste” position with your hand.

3. This is what aligns the heart chakra. Close your eyes, relax and just take deep breaths.

4. Hole your breath and then exhale gradually for maximum benefits.

5. Do this persistently for a few minutes at a stretch.

4. Tadasana

1. Start by standing shoulder-width apart, keeping your arms loosely by the side of your body.
2. Keeping your thigh muscles firm, strengthen the inner arches of your inner ankles while simultaneously lifting them.
3. Stretch your hands from either side of your body, take them up to the top of your head, and place them there.
4. Join your feet so your heels are touching in the back and then gently lift yourself while pressure on the toes.
5. Hold this posture for a few seconds and return to the original pose again. Repeat this 10 times in a time frame.

5. Urdhva Hastasana

1. Begin in a Mountain Pose, feet together and grounded.
2. Spread your toes to grab the mat and activate your legs by pulling kneecaps up. Tailbone tucked in, shoulders rolled back and spine straight.
3. Inhale, lift your arms. Interlace your fingers. Release index fingers, and feel as if someone is pulling you up from your head.
4. Exhale, tilt your upper body to the right side from your hips. Keeping hips straight and deepening the stretch with every exhale.
5. Stay for five breaths. Remember to keep the pelvis tucked in, feet strong on the ground, chest open, and shoulders away from the ears. Inhale, raise back up and exhale.
6. Repeat the same to the left side.

6. Sukhasana

1. Start by sitting in an erect position with your feet stretched out.

2. Gradually bring in your feet, fold them at the knees, and sit in the meditative pose.

3. Make sure that your body is in a relaxed state and your knees and the shins are forming a triangle.

4. Place the backside of your palm over the knees with your hands stretched out.

5. Close your eyes, relax your body and just meditate to calm yourself down.

6. Do this for 10 minutes straight.

7. Utkata Konasana

1. Inhale step your right foot back, facing the long side of your mat.
2. Turn both toes into a 45-degree angle. Exhale, bend knees, coming into a goddess squat.
3. You want to have your knees above your ankles and thighs parallel to the ground.
4. Next creating cactus hands: Lift arms parallel to the floor, bend from elbows into 90 degrees, and spread your fingers wide.
5. Draw shoulder blades back, engage abs and tuck your tailbone. Stay for five breaths.
6. Exhale, straighten legs and lower arms, returning to Mountain Pose.

“True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived.

Stay healthy, Stay safe!!