Proof That Yoga for women really Works- 6 yoga poses helpful for women at every stage

Proof That Yoga for women really Works- 6 yoga poses helpful for women at every stage

Hey ladies!

It is not at all easy being a woman. I’m sure all the girls and ladies out there agree with me on this one. At every stage of a women’s life weather, it is being a daughter, a wife, or when she finally becomes a mother, all hell lot of obstacles is always one step ahead. I mean leave the difficulties of women at every stage aside for a moment, before a girl is even born it is a matter of issue in some states of India. I didn’t mean to get off topic here but it hurts to hear such a thing being a woman. This doesn’t mean we women are weak. The more challenges she faces, the stronger she gets.

Along with the societal tension, physical changes are really common for them. When you become a teenage girl, you hit puberty and enter periods with added troubles such as hormonal changes, mood swings, stress and the worst is the Pain they go through. Did you know period pain is proven to be severe than a heart attack?

Once you are an adult career pressure, marriage pressure, family pressure all at once is dumped on her. Then comes marriage where girls have to leave their house, get out of their comfort zone and stay with a bunch of strangers. While some women adjust sooner and learn to manage, there are still some women who feel anxious and worried even after staying for years with in-laws.

Last but not the least, the pregnancy stage for women. There is no argument that this stage of a women’s life is the most beautiful part but along with the out-of-the-world feeling comes body changes, body pains, stress, anxiety, tiredness, health issues, and what not?

Amongst all the chaos, it is the right of a woman to be able to spend some quality time. Women need to have time to relax whether it’s a teenage girl, a housewife, a working woman, or a mother. It is important to take care of yourself right from the start.


Let me tell you a secret. I know you might be thinking the best “me time” for a woman is shopping. It’s the best therapy. NO! NO! NO! I mean I am not completely against shopping. I love it myself. Shopping’s just a temporary relaxation technique. It helps to mentally reduce your stress but what about your health worries? How can shopping be useful here? You require a permanent solution for all this.

Want to know what can it be? Keep reading…


    Yes, you guys! If you have been already practicing Yoga, WELL DONE and encourage yourself to practice it more and more. And if you are new to this concept or this form of exercise. Let me tell you, you are missing out a lot. But don’t worry about it. There is still time. Whatever point of life you are at, go for it because you can practice yoga at any age. I know it takes a little time to trust such things at the initial stage. But till you don’t try it how will you acquire knowledge and recognize its value. Let me guide you through a few advantages’ yoga provides you with especially in the case of women:

    Benefits of yoga for women

    1.Yoga keeps your body fit and in good shape 

    Apart from all the health benefits, Yoga is a great way to keep your body fit and in good shape. It helps you to achieve the perfect bikini body figure you wish for Everday. What else does a woman need in life? Every woman dreams of a good-looking body.

    2. Yoga helps to Improves Metabolism 

    Yoga is a great way to weight loss. It helps to burn more calories in the fastest way possible. Thus, leading to increased metabolism. Always remember if you are a beginner take it slow in the starting.

    3. Yoga is a treatment for several Health Diseases 

    Yoga is a remedy to help cure your diseases. You must be thinking how? Certain yoga poses and meditation help to keep your blood pressure, cholesterol level, and diabetes under control. It makes sure you are as far as possible from such a disease. Along with the health disease, it also helps to keep you away from the smallest problem such as neck pain, back pain, or knee pain.

    4. Yoga eradicates mental issues 

    The power of meditation and Yoga is high. It helps in eradicating mental issue such as depression since it aids weakness in your body, relieve fatigue and improve your sleeping quality as well. Along with this, it helps a woman to stay happy since it creates a sense of positive energy in her. Thus, leading to a stress-free and better life. Real victims recover from their trauma sooner with the help of yoga.

    These benefits apply to both men and women. In short, it is appropriate for everyone whether it’s a teenage, adult, senior, men or woman. Now let’s have a look at how yoga is beneficial for women at every stage of their lives in particular along with a few yoga poses.

    Yoga for women at every stage (Yoga poses) 

    1.Menstrual cramps and Premenstrual syndrome

    Women undergo severe pain every month during their menstrual period. It’s just not the cramps, their back hurts as well, if I say honestly through personal experience the entire body feels uncomfortable during this time. You can ease this pain with the help of yoga if practiced regularly. Yoga’s gentle stretching can ease tension in stiffness in your lower back and some postures reduce pressure on the uterus, relieving cramps. During periods it is common for women to feel depressed, irritable, and moody, Yoga and meditation can be a great help to keep you away from such problems.

    Yoga poses for menstrual cramps

    • Inverted leg pose – Viparita Karani

    Inverted leg pose is useful to you in three ways- Physical, mental, and emotional. Even during angsty mood swings, it helps to keep you relaxed and chill.

    • Child’s Pose – Balasana

    This pose helps to overcome menstrual cramps and back pain as well. It helps to helps to relax your mind as well.

    2. Pregnancy

    Every women’s priority during pregnancy is to take good care of her health. Yoga is one of the best practices for pregnant women since it not only helps their body to relax but keeps the right state of mind as well. Both these factors are essential for pregnant women. Yoga poses help with a smooth delivery and keeps you fit after delivery as well.

    Yoga poses for pregnancy

    • Marjariasana (Cat stretch)

    Cat stretch helps to keep the spine flexible. This factor is essential since the back holds all the weight once you start growing during your pregnancy. This pose also helps to improve blood circulation and ensures all the reproductive organs are well-nourished.

    • Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

    The triangle pose is great for the pregnant woman during delivery since it helps to open up the hips. This pose also helps to maintain both mental and physical balance.

    3. Menopause 

    “Menopause is a metamorphosis, not a medical condition Menopause is not a medical condition it is a metamorphosis. The average age of menopause is 51, but she officially reaches menopause when she is gone one year without menstruating. The symptoms of menopause are tiredness and weakness. By now it is clear how much yoga is helpful in such matters. Yoga poses provide you the energy you require during this time. Further, it also helps to balance body chemistry and stimulate the glandular and reproductive systems.

    Yoga poses for Menopause 

    • Warrior II

    Warrior II pose helps to cure one of the main symptoms of menopause. It helps to fight against tiredness and weakness and increases energy in your body. This pose helps to build strength and increase circulation.

    •  Downward-Facing Dog

    Downward facing dog helps to boost muscle strength and increase bone density. This pose also helps to increase blood circulation in the brain and enhances alertness.


    All the women out there, give yourself a self-note today- You are a blessing to the world. You are the strongest at every stage of life. It is equally essential to take good care of yourself. A woman is the one who keeps the family well-balanced. Therefore, it is even more essential to keep yourself healthy. Whatever pressure or tension you have make sure to take some time out and relax with the help of Yoga and meditation. 

    Thinking about yoga for period pain? Go for these 5 yoga poses to ease your pain.

    Thinking about yoga for period pain? Go for these 5 yoga poses to ease your pain.

    “Period pain”- A girl cannot explain what to do they go through during this time. Did you know “Period pain can be as painful as having a heart attack or even worse? Sometimes I wonder why only girls have to undergo such dreadful situations in life. Any other girl who feels the same way? You know what? Let’s not complain about this. We are super blessed to be a girl.

    Menstruation is a beautiful part of your life. It appears for the first time when you hit puberty. Your body starts to develop and set foot into adulthood. It is a sign that indicates your body is biologically prepared to give birth. Which by the way is a wonderful blessing? I agree it might be a little difficult to manage the pain every month.

    Guess what? I have a solution to escape from this pain now and forever. I know you are intrigued to know what may be the cure. But before we move forward, it is important to know what causes period pain?

    4 significant factors that lead to extreme period pain 

    Dysmenorrhea is a medical term for period pain or menstrual cramps. Menstrual cramps are of two types:

    • Primary Dysmenorrhea- It is “normal” among most women. It is painful in the start and eases down in one or two days. The pain is manageable but not enjoyable at all. Women need to not worry much about this condition.
    • Secondary Dysmenorrhea- In this condition, a woman may not be able to deal with the pain since it is at an extreme level. Extreme pain during a period can occur because of a disorder in your reproductive organ and should not be taken lightly. Make sure you take professional medical help If you feel this way.

    Few reasons for extreme period pain:  

    1. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease- PID is an infectious disease for the reproductive organs. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are few types of bacteria that cause Pelvic inflammatory disease. Severe pain might not always be the symptom, the symptoms of PID includes High Fever, vomiting, irregular menstruation, painful urination, and unconsciousness. If you go through this during your period make sure you visit the doctor immediately as it is extremely dangerous and even life-threatening.   
    2. Polycystic Ovary or Ovarian Syndrome-  The growth of a cyst in your ovaries appears due to imbalances in estrogen and progesterone levels that result in PCOS. Symptoms include adult acne, excess body or facial hair, and irregular periods. Most women might not even notice they’re going through such a condition until they find difficulty in pregnancy or have severe period pain. One of the leading causes of female infertility is PCOS.    
    3. Endometriosis-In this condition the tissue that should be on your ovaries or lining your pelvis sometimes is found outside of it. The most common symptoms include gastrointestinal distress, heavy bleeding, fatigue, devasting pain after or before or during your period.   
    4. Fibroids– During your childbearing years, this harmless growth appears in the uterus. At some point in time, we all will have fibroid but there are no physical effects therefore we may not even know it. Symptoms include back pain, constipation, and frequent urination.

    You must take care of your health needs and is important to educate yourself about severe period pains. Being a strong woman doesn’t mean not complaining about your discomfort. Don’t suffer in silence, stand up for yourself, and take control of your health. Go ahead and follow these simple tips to ease out your period pain.

    Simple useful Tips to reduce period pain 

    1. Make it a point to always hydrate yourself- Drinking water is the best alternative for our overall health. So why not period pain? It helps to calm your pain during the period and ease bloating. Remind yourself to drink more and more water each day.
    2. Avoid caffeine, spicy, salty, and sugar food- These kinds of food increase menstrual cramps and lead to bloating and mood swings. If you want to reduce period pain it is best to avoid such foods.
    3. Massage the abdomen area- Massage encourages blood flow and helps to relieve period pain.
    4. Apply a heating pad- A heating pad is a women’s best friend because it works wonders and helps to calm her period pain.

    Some women prefer medicines to reduce the pain but popping up pills every month is not good for your health. The following tips do help to reduce pain temporarily. And you are here to get a permanent solution. Am I right? So here is the permanent solution and finally, we are going to disclose the big secret to help reduce your menstrual agony.

    So here it is, YOGA!

    YES, you heard it right. Yoga is the solution to all your problems. It can make your period pain-free is a reliable and proven natural technique with no side effects. It helps to physically strengthen your body acts as a remedy for all period-related problems such as anxiety, headaches, and mainly menstrual cramps. Along with the physical benefits it helps with mental wellness as well.

    5 Yoga poses to eliminate menstrual cramps 

    1.Child pose

    This pose helps to calm your mind and relax your body. During menstruation, if you feel pain in your joints and muscles, this pose is beneficial. It helps to massage your internal organs and release tension in your back, shoulder, and neck.

    2.Fish pose

     This pose is known to especially relieve period cramps since it helps to stimulate and stretches the belly muscles.

    3.Bow pose

    This pose helps to stimulate the reproductive organs and strengthen the abdominal muscles. It helps to alleviate constipation and menstrual discomfort. 

    4.Cobra pose 

     This pose helps to reduce fatigue and stress during the period. Stress might be one of the main reasons for irregular periods. Therefore, it is important to be stress-free.

    5.Camel pose

    This pose helps to reduce menstrual cramps and relieve the body from lower back pains. Most women go through severe back pain during their periods. Therefore, this pose is beneficial.


    Practice these yoga poses before your period starts. Don’t go for any difficult poses during your period. It’s better to meditate at that time. It will be good if you make sure to include yoga in your daily routine and eat healthy to notice actual changes. Most of all it is really important to be positive throughout your journey. BE POSITIVE and stay far away from any kind of stress or mood swings automatically.

    Yoga and Detoxification- A powerful duo in 2021

    Yoga and Detoxification- A powerful duo in 2021

    Yoga or Yog is the way one lives his or her life. Something unconventional that’s beyond the Yoga classes and sessions one takes. Having a detoxed and healthy body is not only important for our health purposes but also is a necessity for better survival in 2021 and ahead.

    After the pandemic scenarios, everyone is very particular and conscious about their living lifestyle. It is important for a person to keep their body healthy and balanced using detox diet and exercises for a better life.

    Here is what you need to look at for a briefing about Yoga and Detox and 5 super useful poses  to detox and revitalize your body.

    Yoga and Detoxification- The powerful duo

    We all know how stressful and tiring our life is. Out of the busy schedule that we’re going through, our life has become a competition or a race between our work and sleep, meals and diet, emotions, and mental strength.

    Life is getting tough and hard these days. One must analyze the fact that one needs an adequate routine with a physical workout and balanced diet both.

    Yoga is the golden way to fight the stress and anxiety that we often face in our daily life. One must work on the realignment of bodies providing an opportunity to ourselves to clear our minds.

    Yoga is a combination of postures, breathing, the process of mindfulness which can be taken as a valuable tool to cleanse our body both physically and emotionally without any loss. Concluding the stated points, yoga is a fruitful way for cleansing our body and further, we’d be elaborating on some useful ways to relax our body.

    5 Yoga poses for Detoxification and revitalization of your body

    1. Side to Side pose or Revolved Chair pose

    1. Beginning with a standing position, bend your hips and reach your arms to make a chair pose. Be sure you can see your toes. 
    2. Gradually, take your hands together at the center of your chest. 
    3. Now, take a big inhale to lengthen through spine, and use exhale to twist to the right, taking your left of your elbow outside of your right thigh.
    4.  Inhale back to center and use exhale to twist to the left. Repeat this sequence 5 times on each side.”

    This is an advantageous cleansing pose since it stimulates the blood flow, works for a better liver, makes your digestive process better, and helps in strengthening your abdominal muscles. It has the added a great plus point for improving spine and vertebrae health.

    2. Seated Twists

    Start with a seated position with your legs straight long in front of you. Now, bend your right knee and place your right foot outside of your left knee. Wrap your left arm around your right leg and place your hand on the ground behind your sacrum. Inhale for big five deep breaths, using each breath to lengthen your spine and expel negative energy.

    Repeat the same procedure on the other side.

    This massages and stretches key organs, including the kidney, liver, colon, and spleen, which is part of the lymph system — all of which assist in digestion and elimination.

    3. Shoulder Stand yoga pose

    This is a change of the same pose. You can pick to do a shoulder stand or you can use the assistance of the wall in similar legs up the wall pose. 

    1. For a shoulder stand, initiate by lying on your back and bring your legs back over your head in a plow pose. Place your hands on your lower back on either side of your spine for support, bend your knees, and lift your feet into the air. Throughout the pose, press your feet to the air, lift your kneecaps and press your belly to your spine.
    2. One can also practice this pose against a wall for better support, or do a variation on it where your back remains flat to the ground with your hips sinking into the ground as a bolster. Your legs will rest against the wall.
    3. Whatever pose you choose, these are great postures to support your lymphatic system. This pose places the head below the heart and allows lymph to drain back to the heart with the assistance of gravity. It helps flush lymph from the legs and feet back to the heart, which is especially beneficial at the end of a workout. 
    4. This pose would work on the restoration and detox at the end of a tight workout by sending fluids back to the heart for oxygenation.

    4. Supine Twist yoga pose

    The supine pose is considered as best pose for a lower impact stretch and with various advantages. Lie straight on the ground with your arms out making a “T” shape. Hold one knee into your chest and make it fall to the opposite side of your body. Now, slowly your opposite hand to your knee to help ground it and for a good stretch, turn your neck in the opposite direction. This stretch guides and allows your body to align your vertebrae and promote breathing.

    5. Shavasana

    Shavasana, or in simple words called the corpse pose, requires the body in lying position, completely flat against the floor. It comes from the end of yoga practice and is focusing on keeping your mind and body in a complete relaxation mode. We often hustle well to detox our body from numerous practical standpoints, yet the meditative criteria of Shavasana are the golden button for detoxing our minds.

    Whether you’re a yoga professional or practicing yoga as a beginner, it’s vital to keep in your mind that all poses and practices are relevant for detoxification. Work on these poses, but don’t be scared anyway to try new things. No matter what pose you’re working on, you’re taking care of the natural processes of detox in a facile and affirmative manner.


    Yoga for chest and shoulders- 7 incredibly useful chest and shoulder yoga stretches.

    Yoga for chest and shoulders- 7 incredibly useful chest and shoulder yoga stretches.

    Do you believe that a workout at the gym is the only way to develop a strong chest and shoulder? You might have to rethink after reading this article. Trust me, you can build your chest and shoulders without weight lifting in the comfort of your home. Have you heard about yoga? Come along, let’s explore more about yoga and its incredibly useful poses to cure all your life problems.

    YOGA- En route to a better quality of life 

    “Yoga makes you beautiful Inside-Out!” We all want to look beautiful, don’t we? All of us think that beauty is only about physical appearance, but what if I tell you that there is much more about beauty, it is actually about how you feel within, that indicates how healthy you are.

    Well, we are all lost in our own chaotic life’s that we don’t bother to care about our health. Remember the greatest wealth is health. As the coerce to become better every day increases, so does the horde of illness to our body, which comes with carelessness and negligence. That’s the point at which you realize the significance of managing your health. What if I tell you that yoga can enhance your mind, body, and soul, you may not believe me. But the truth is out and crystal clear, yoga energizes your body, calms the mind, and relieves the feeling of stress and anxiety. It motivates and strengthens you to tackle your everyday problems and touch the finish line towards a healthier and happier life.

    As I have always believed yoga is not just an hour’s exercise, it unifies our body and fill’s our soul with love and energy that lasts forever. Yoga manages to control and set right something as normal as breathing. Breathing in the right way helps to improve our brain functionality, which helps in making better decisions.

    Regular practice of yoga helps in reducing stress, relieving anxiety, improves the health of your heart, help you fight depression, aids in good quality sleep, improves breathing, and makes your body flexible and balance is improved.

    Here are some benefits of yoga for the chest and shoulders

    •  Improves Posture: According to master Akshara a lifestyle coach and yoga instructor when we practice exercises like push-ups our shoulder and back muscles are contracted, both these muscles are correlated and help in improving your posture. The chest is one of the largest muscles in our upper body and plays a crucial role in correcting postural defects. Regularly practicing yoga poses like the supported fish or the cobra pose helps in preventing back pain and strengthens your shoulders.
    • Boost power of your lungs: Breathing exercise like pranayama is one of the best ways to start off with your workout. Pranayama improves the blood flow and energizes the mind and nervous system. Yoga helps in correcting postural defects; hence your lungs are in a better position to receive more oxygen this, in turn, means you will be able to breathe easier and take deep breaths as well.
    • Increased Energy Levels: Heart-opening yoga poses improve the blood flow throughout the body this, in turn, awakens the nervous system. Increased blood flow and an energized nervous system led to a noticeable boost to a person’s energy levels and it makes you feel better, both physical and mental aspects of your body are improved by practicing yoga.

    Alright, now let’s move on to the most crucial part of the article, the yoga poses.

    Yoga is the gateway to a blissful and healthier life. Come along let’s discuss some of the yoga poses that help to energize your upper body- The chest and shoulders.

    Heart-opening Yoga poses to relieve shoulder and chest pain 

    1.Cat-Cow Stretch (Chakravakasana)

    This pose is an effective exercise for your spinal cord and you will feel the difference between spinal extension and flexion. This pose improves balance and posture, energizes the organs in the belly, and also helps in relieving stress and calms the brain which in turn helps us in making better decisions.

    2.Sphinx Pose

     This pose is ideal for beginners. It stretches the abdominal muscles and strengthens the spine. It also stretches and opens up the shoulders, chest, and lungs and helps in relieving fatigue ness from your body. Make sure to press strongly into your forearms and then extend your spine making a place for your chest to move in the forward direction.

    3.Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

     This pose stretches the spine, chest, and neck. It calms the brain and helps to alleviate stress and depression. Menstrual uneasiness and the symptoms of menopause can be relieved by practicing this pose. Remember to tuck your shoulders below your body and then lift your hips which will your chest bloom.

    4.Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

    This pose is an effective exercise for weight loss, helps to cure digestion and constipation problems, improves blood circulation, and most importantly helps in preventing any sort of back problems or pains. Make sure to pull on the ankles and push the feet away from you at the same time.

    5.Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

    Ensure that your legs and pelvis are firmly rooted on the ground as you lift your chest. This pose is an effective exercise for your buttocks and it opens up and stretches the lungs, heart, chest, and shoulders this, in turn, helps in improving blood flow in the body and soothes your mind as well.

    6.Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

     This pose helps to relieve backaches, especially for women through their 2nd trimester. It energizes the abdominal organs and stimulates the tired limbs. It stretches and opens up your lungs, chest, shoulders, and hips. Although this pose does look like an obvious heart-opening exercise like some other poses but is an effective exercise for your upper body.

    7.Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

    The muscles which are stretched in this pose are the upper-side abdominal muscles and the back muscles. This pose helps in stimulating and energizing the groin muscles, calves, shoulders, chest, and spine. This pose can be a good early morning exercise to flex your muscles and straighten your thighs.

    Believe me, yoga is one of the best sought of medicine for all your health problems. Yoga is not just a healthy exercise, but it is a life-changer. It harmonizes the mind, body, and soul. So, from now on make sure that you practice yoga for at least 20 minutes every day and you will notice the difference by yourself. A little yoga can make your life blissful, healthier, and happier.


    Detox your body: 5 Super useful detox yoga poses to revitalize your body

    Detox your body: 5 Super useful detox yoga poses to revitalize your body

    Hello folks!

    I guess Y’all are probably wondering what does the word detox means? How can detoxification be beneficial for your body? Should you detox yourself? Don’t worry I’ve answered all your questions in this article go on reading it I’m sure it will be productive for your body.

    As March 2021 is going to end in few days this is the perfect time to detox your body. Many of us love to start a year with a clean slate, but in the case of body detox, I would suggest Y’all start with a clean slate every month. If you’re looking to kick off April 2021 on a fresh, positive, and healthy note why not try out body detox.

    Come along, now let’s answer some of your questions that must’ve come up in your mind regarding body detoxification. I’m sure body detox will enhance and energize your body. We shall talk about one of the best methods for body detoxification later on in this article.

    What is body detox? 

    In simpler terms, body detoxification means following an alternative type of medical treatment or a detox diet that helps to alleviate toxins from your body. It’s a way of cleansing your body and start on a fresh note with a rejuvenated and toxin-free body.

    What are the benefits of body detoxification? 

    Here are some potential benefits of body detoxification.

    • Weight loss: Following a strict detoxification diet can result in weight loss. A detox diet involves fruits, vegetables, fruit juices, staying hydrated, and also involves fasting as well. Some people also have herbs in their detox diet. Food that is high in fat levels should strictly be avoided over a while which in turn leads to weight loss.
    • Helps you to stay hydrated: Following a strict detox diet involves drinking water at regular intervals. Water is very important for our body and helps to eliminate the toxins from our body in the form of bowel movement, sweating, and urination.
    • Antioxidants: Studies have revealed that following a detox diet can improve the health of your liver and consuming certain types of foods can increase the antioxidant glutathione, glutathione helps to eliminate the toxins from your body.

    Along with these benefits, body detoxification also helps in energizing your body, improves sleeping patterns, less joint pain as well as fewer allergy and cold problems.

    Is body detoxification suitable for you? 

    Body detox is suitable for people who often have headaches, have skin and allergy problems, feel tired, and lack energy without any reason, and also for those facing back problems. A body detox can indeed help you to get rid of all these problems.

    When should you avoid body Detox? 

    Generally, detox is a healthy method for rejuvenating and cleansing your body. But doctors have advised avoiding body detoxification during pregnancy or if you have fever or cold.

    How to detox your body? 

    Perhaps, I have talked enough about the benefits of body detox but the crucial part is the method you should follow for body detoxification. 

    As I have mentioned previously body detoxification means following a detox diet for alleviating the toxins from your body.

    There are different types of detox diets that people follow to detoxify their bodies. It involves stopping the consumption of alcohol, as excessive drinking can cause serious concerns to your liver function, focus on quality sleep that is to ensure 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night on regular basis, drink more water which helps to stay hydrated, and eliminate the toxins in the form of sweat, urination, etc., some people avoid sugar and processed foods which is the root cause for obesity and chronic diseases.

    Perhaps, there are plenty of detox diets that you can choose from to detoxify your body. To make things easier for you, I have one of the best formulas to detoxify your body. Guess what?

    Have you heard about yoga? Oh well! I guess you surely must’ve. To your surprise, Yoga is the best formula to detoxify and eliminate the toxins from your body. 

    Before we move on here is an app to guide you throughout the body detoxification process. It will definitely prove to be effective for you.

    Detox Yoga 

    Detox yoga rejuvenates and energizes your body which in turn improves your general wellbeing. A yoga detox program uses yoga asanas to help the body in alleviating the toxins that build up in the body through the course of our everyday life. Yoga relaxes your body and energizes “Agni” the digestive fire for better digestion.

    The mutability of the gut is as important as eating the right food. The dynamic and static yoga poses break down the toxins faster, increases metabolism in the body, and supports the digestive process.

    Following the right detox diet and regularly practicing yoga will indeed speed up the cleansing process. Here are some yoga poses that you shall try out for body detoxification.

    5 best detox yoga Poses

    1.Downward facing Dog

    In this pose your heart is above your head, this inversion forces the blood to circulate in a different direction. This pose helps to release sadness, stress, and depression, also helps in improving blood circulation.

    2.Eagle pose

    The eagle pose stimulates circulation and alleviates the toxins from the bloodstream. This pose also stretches and strengthens the elbow, ankle, hip joints, and knee. Start the posture by standing strong with your arms by your side and legs close together.

    3.Seated twist

    This pose is an essential exercise for your digestive system. This pose eases movement in the torso hence affects the digestive system. The twisting yoga poses are often equated with detoxing. More the movement of the digestive system the better our detoxing.

    4.Boat pose

    This pose helps to tone and strengthen your hip flexors, abdomen, and spine. It also energizes the thyroid, kidney, and intestine which in turn helps to relieve stress and improves your digestion.

    5.Bound headstand

    This pose is not ideal for beginners but is one of the best poses for body detoxification. Typically, this pose should be held for 7 breaths or longer. The vital factor about this pose is that it focuses on deep breathing which in turn clears out carbon dioxide from the lungs. Use a wall if you’re new to this pose it will help to improve balance.

    If you loved these yoga poses it’s time you head to the yoga mat to practice these wonderful yoga poses. Remember detox is not about starving yourself. Make sure to follow a healthy diet to avoid diseases. Detox is about giving your body rest from the toxins that build up in our bodies. I hope this article proves to be productive for your body detox process.



    Define Body detoxification?

    In simpler terms body detox implies an alternative type of medical treatment or specific diet to alleviate the toxins and waste from your body, thereby improving your health.

    Why is it important to detox your body?
    Which yoga poses are useful for body detoxification?


    “Don’t worry, everything will work out when it’s the right time. I am sure most of you must be tired of listening to this. For long you guys must be waiting for the “right time”, and it has not come yet.

    Have you lost all hopes? I will say, DONT. “Hope” is the only solution to all your problems. If you have hope, you know great things will happen to you super soon. It is a sense of positivity, which is important, especially in tough times like these. Many couples go through the torture of not able to conceive and face a lot of problems but that doesn’t mean you give up.

    Let me tell you a secret? Do you know why I am asking to not lose hope? It’s because I have the best solution to this issue. I am going to reveal it soon. But before that let’s have a look at why you are not able to conceive? It is important to be aware of the problem, rather than just finding a solution, if you know the cause, it will be easier to find a perfect cure.  


    Infertility in women is because of reasons such as: 

    1. Ovulation disorder-  Ovulation disorder in simple terms means a problem in the ovary or if reproductive organs undergo drastic changes. This means you are not able to ovulate at all or the process of ovulation is rare in your case. 

    •  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)- PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility. Ovulation disorder occurs since PCOS causes hormone imbalances. Symptoms of PCOS include abnormal hair growth on the face or body, acne, obesity, and insulin resistance. 
    • Hypothalamic dysfunction- Luteinizing hormone (LH) and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are the two hormones produced by the pituitary gland and are responsible for stimulating ovulation each month. If the production of these hormones is intermediated, the process of ovulation is affected as well. Some of the symptoms are sudden weight gain or weight loss or an overload of physical and emotional stress and the most common indication of this is inconsistent periods or no periods at all.

    2.  Damage to fallopian tubes (tubal infertility) – If the fallopian tube is damaged it leads to infertility since the sperm is unable to get to the egg or the passage of fertilized egg is blocked to go into the uterus. The causes of the fallopian tube include: 

    • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)– Sexually transmitted disease, chlamydia or gonorrhea leads to an infection in the fallopian tube or the uterus.

    3. Endometriosis- A tissue that normally grows in the uterus implants, tends to grow somewhere else which leads to Endometriosis. The growth of extra tissue is removed through a surgical procedure, which could result in injury or damage. Therefore, the damage doesn’t let the egg or sperm intersect with each other. The implantation of the fertilized egg is also disrupted since Endometriosis can also affect the lining of the uterus.

    Women are not the only ones who might have a problem conceiving. Sometimes, men also might be the reason for infertility. But, that’s a separate topic altogether.

    Whoever might have the problem, a couple suffers a lot if they aren’t able to have a baby through the normal process, usually, women endure depression and anxiety as well.

    I have heard many stories about, who struggle to have a baby, and it’s just heartbreaking what they go through.

    Now, there are a few treatments to work on this situation, but it may only work at a certain percentage. As in, there are chances it will work, and there are chances it won’t work. So, what can you do to increase the chance of your percentage to make it work?

    That’s the reason I am here to share the information. I hope it helps in some way and makes things a lot easier for you. Remember about the big secret reveal regarding the best solution, yes that solution is going to help you to increase that percentage, so here we go, finally. 


    Yoga plays a role of positivity in tough times. It helps couples to relax their minds and body during this period. Like I mentioned before if a woman is not able to conceive she undergoes depression. Depression leads to nothing, but more and more problems. It is really important to be tension-free and relaxed to be able to bring another life. Women especially should take complete care of both their bodies and mind. Yoga is a great alternative to do so, Let’s see why. Shall we?


    1. Yoga helps to strengthen your body
    2. Yoga helps to get relief from depression, anxiety, and stress
    3. Yoga helps to balance your hormones
    4. Yoga helps to stimulate the Endocrine system, uterus, and ovaries
    5. Yoga helps to increase blood flow circulation
    6. Yoga helps to maintain a healthy immune system

    According to the International Journal of yoga, studies have proven how it helps a woman to deal with stress through infertility treatment. Infertility treatment can have a happy ending with the help of the above-mentioned points. Here is a list of a few yoga poses you can follow to finally listen to those three magical words “ WE ARE PREGNANT”.

    Before we move forward, let me guide you with an interesting approach to practice this yoga poses at home itself, “in your comfort zone”. It makes it easier, especially for beginners. 


    1.Surya namaskar 

    This pose helps to encourage a healthy sexual appetite in a person. It helps to get rid of any internal flaws related to the malfunctioning of sexual glands. Therefore improves the sexual functions of the body. Surya namaskar makes it easy to conceive due to its empowering effects on the uterus of a woman. 


    Child pose is mainly famous to increase blood flow and relieve stress 

     3.Baddha Konasana 

    This pose helps to improve flexibility. Also, an interesting fact- This pose will help you provide pain-free and smooth delivery. 

    4.Janu Shirasana

    This pose helps to relax the muscles of your abdomen by stretching the calves and hamstrings of your body. This pose is also useful during pregnancy as well as conceiving.

    5.Seated forward bend (Pachimottanasana)

    Seated forward bend helps you to deal with mental stress and also strengthens important vital organs such as your stomach and ovaries. Therefore, it plays an important role to boost fertility in women. 


    During the tough times remember Hope, Patience and Believe is the leading key to positivity. Yoga is a path to these three factors in life. The process of Yoga may be slow, but it is worth it. Keep in mind, to consult your doctor before you start any new exercise. To all the couples out there, who are struggling with this problem, hope you can hear the good news soon. Hope all your wishes come true. Sending all the love, positivity, and best wishes. 


     Does infertility mean I can never have children?
    If women are under the age of 35 and are trying to get pregnant for over a year, it means infertility. In the case of women over 35, the timeline is 6 months. In some cases, women do get pregnant, but they are not able to stay pregnant and face many miscarriages. In conclusion, it does not mean it is not possible at all, you require the right treatment to deal with the particular issue.

    Is the issue of infertility only in case of women?
    What are the risk factors of infertility? (Gender wise)
    Why is “age” a major concern in women? (For infertility)
    Can yoga be harmful to try to conceive?