Yoga for Diabetes- A perfect blend to cure diabetes in 2021

Yoga for Diabetes- A perfect blend to cure diabetes in 2021

Our daily lifestyle is increasingly becoming worst with unhealthy eating habits and irregular also poor sleeping patterns, it is affecting our body, both physically and mentally. In India, according to studies, India is the home to the second-largest diabetes patients in the world, which is adverse.

In our human body, insulin is the one type of hormone that regulates sugar content in the blood. Diabetes occurs due to drastic changes in sugar levels in our blood.

There are two types of diabetes:

Type-1 diabetes- It occurs when the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin. It requires insulin in the form of injections or insulin pumps

Type-2 diabetes- It is a medical condition when our body fails to use insulin effectively. The treatment of Type-2 diabetes is possible by using drugs that shoot up the efficiency of insulin absorption.

Following a proper diet and exercise routine can guide in managing the blood sugar levels in the case of Type-2 diabetes. Exercising just provides a helping hand in preventing complications, it can be quite dangerous for people who’re not active physically or are old. In that scenario cases, yoga can be an effective way to build body strength, maintain fitness, and improvise the physical and mental wellness of their bodies.

Yoga comes out as an excellent selection for staying healthy with diabetes. Yoga is the most effective way of training to build your body muscles that guide in better regulation of blood sugar levels in the body. It also results in the efficient utilization of insulin by changing glucose into energy.

Some of the benefits of Yoga for diabetic patients are:

  • Decreases stress levels
  • Shoots up strength and flexibility
  • Prevents heart diseases
  • Improvise the emotional health
  • Relaxing your mind and reducing stress hormones

Some of the recommended asanas for diabetic patients are enlisted below: 

1. Mountain Pose or Tadasana

This best yoga for beginner’s pose helps improves your posture and reduces flat feet. Apart from strengthening your thighs, knees, and ankles, this pose also provides relief from backaches.

Stand with your feet slightly apart on the floor and your arms at the sides. Tuck your tailbone to engage the abdominal and hamstring muscles. Breathe in and extend your arms upward on the sides with your palms facing up. Exhale and bring your arms back down slowly.

2. Child’s Pose or Balasana

This relaxing pose guides the production of beta cells that produce insulin. The child’s pose is a perfect resting pose to practice between more challenging poses.

Sit on your feet with your knees apart. Lower down your head slowly to the mat, and rest your belly on top of your thighs. Stretch your arms forward with your palms facing down as you touch the mat in front of your head. Hold this pose for 10 to 20 seconds, and relax the tailbone towards your heels to stretch your lower back.

3. Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

This pose improves blood circulation by stretching your chest, spine, neck, and hips. It calms the nervous system and brain to alleviate depression and stress.

Lie on your back with knees bent, keep feet flat on the floor and maintain a distance of hip-width to keep your legs apart. Press your heels down into the mat. Lift the tailbone to keep your hips and lower back above the floor. Lace the fingers of both the hands together under the hips use your abdomen and hamstrings to hold the bottom and back up. Now, Release your fingers and slowly lower your tailbone back down.

4. Plank Pose or Phalakasana

Strengthening your wrists, arms, shoulders, and spine, the Plank Pose improves your posture and tones all the core muscles.

Get on the floor on your hands and knees with your toes tucked. Liftoff your knees from the yoga mat and stretch your feet towards the end. In this position, your body must form a straight line, and your shoulders must stack vertically over the wrists, similar to a push-up position. Hold the pose by engaging the abdominal muscles for around a minute until you are comfortable. Relax down slowly.

5. Corpse Pose or Shavasana

This pose helps in relaxing the mind and improves concentration. Usually performed at the end of yoga practice, this pose induces sleep and relieves headaches and fatigue.

Lie flat on your back with your arms resting at the sides and palms facing up. Relax your body, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Starting with gentle breathing, proceed for deep inhaling and exhaling. This pose produces the best results when you warm up for about 5 minutes and end with a 10-minute relaxation.

6. Seated Forward Bend Pose or Paschimottanasana

The seated forward bending pose promotes weight loss and helps in relieving fatigue, headache, and anxiety.

Sit down on the mat, then extend your legs. Draw your toes back towards your shins.Sit straight on your sit bones and lengthen your spine. Hinging at your hips, bend forward to touch your feet with your hands. Fold your torso in between your legs with your chin tucking into your chest. Maintain the pose for up to 3 minutes until you are comfortable.

Not only this, Yoga helps in various ways enlisted below:

• Great flexibility and balance of body
• Accurate BMI
• Less bad weight gain
• Shoot down in neck and back pain
• Excellent for people with asthma symptoms
• Cures or reduces blood pressure
•  Cures or reduces blood sugars
• Improved lipid (blood fat) profiles
• Cures or reduces cancer-related fatigue
•Confidence and fresh look with a better body image
• Sharper focus and concentration + general health awareness in 2021.

After knowing such numerous benefits and ways to cure diabetes, are you still thinking to opt for Yoga or not, then you’re doing wrong to yourself? YOGA IS THE BEST WAY TO CURE DIABETES, LET IT SINK IN!


All diabetic patients must give themselves a checklist that they’re suffering from a disease that will recover soon without any problems.

Yoga is an exercise that the yoga asanas mentioned above rarely harm your body, you must talk and be in consultation with a professional yoga instructor and your doctor before you start practicing them. Looking at your health conditions, they would suggest you the best yoga poses. It’s good to start with beginner’s yoga and pull back if you feel pain or discomfort in your body.

Stay strong at every stage of life. You need to take good care of yourself and especially YOUR HEALTH. Whatsoever stress you have to spare some time out and relax with the help of Yoga and meditation.

Managing diabetes by Yoga in 2021

Managing diabetes by Yoga in 2021

Having a routine to practice yoga and meditation is an important part of managing diabetes and taking it off you. But let’s face it, it’s not always facile to stay healthy and active all the time. It is not easy to deal with diabetes but it is not impossible too. If you’ve been asking yourself this very question that how you must get over or recover from diabetes, then yoga might be right for you! 


Let me tell you a golden tip. I know you might be thinking the best “me time” for you is eating all those junk and a high amount of sugary foods. You must feel It’s the best therapy. NO! Not at all! I mean I am not completely against eating tasty food, but it must be healthy. I love it myself. . It helps to relieve your crazy cravings but what about your health worries? You require a permanent solution for diabetes and yoga can be a tried and tested best solution for it.
Want to know how to manage diabetes with yoga? Keep scrolling..  


Yes, you fellow mates! If you have been already practicing Yoga, WELL DONE and boost your confidence up to practice it more and more. And if you are new to yoga and its wonders, Let me tell you, you are skipping out a great way of solving all your health issues with a minute or no investment of money. But don’t worry about it. There is still time. It’s never late. Whatever point of life you are at, go for it because you can practice yoga at any age. It takes a little time to trust concepts especially when you’re new to them at the initial stage. But till you don’t try it how will you acquire knowledge and know its worth. Let me help you through a few advantages yoga provides you with especially in the case of diabetes patients.

Advantages of yoga for diabetes 

1.Keep your body healthy and strong

Keeping aside all the health benefits, Yoga is a great way to keep your body fit and muscles strong. It helps you to achieve a healthy mind and body to function well. 

2.Yoga- Saviour to a Better Metabolism 

Yoga is a great way to weight loss. It helps to burn more calories in the fastest way possible, making your body’s immune system intact. Thus, leading to increased metabolism. Always remember if you are a beginner take it slow in the starting.

3.Yoga great treatment for Health Disease- Diabetes

Yoga is a remedy to help cure your diseases. You must be thinking how? Certain yoga poses and meditation help to keep your blood pressure, cholesterol level, and diabetes under control. It makes sure you are as far as possible from such a disease. Along with the health disease, it also helps to keep you away from the smallest problem such as neck pain, back pain, or knee pain. 

4.Yoga focuses on mental stress and pressures 

The power of meditation and Yoga is high. It helps in eradicating mental issue such as depression since it aids weakness in your body, relieve fatigue and improve your sleeping quality as well.

After knowing all the advantages of Yoga, you must surely be interested in the factor how can yoga help in recovering diabetes:- 

Yoga can do wonders in your diabetic life. Whether you’re suffering from Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes, there are exercises and solutions to both. There are plenty of benefits of practicing Yoga, a few of them are: 

  • It reduces stress which makes it facile to manage blood glucose levels in diabetes of both types.
  • Degrades the risk of injury from daily ongoing activities
  • Helps one relax and generates a feeling of wellness
  • Improvises balance and coordination
  • Upgrades a range of motion
  • Keeps your joints flexible, strong, and healthy.

The best way to treat diabetes through Yoga is including practices such as:

  1. Meditation: It is the best way to calm down your body and understand its needs and requirements and staying at peace with the mind. Include a meditation of 10 minutes daily.
  2. Including Asanas and Pranayama: Including asanas and Pranayama or breathing exercises can help cure both types of diabetes easily
  3. Hot Yoga: One of the best ways to exercise. It leads to a shoot-up in your insulin sensitivity and guides your body to stabilize blood levels.

 Not only this, Yoga helps in various ways enlisted below: 

• Great flexibility and balance of body
• Accurate BMI
• Less bad weight gain
• Shoot down in neck and back pain
• Excellent for people with asthma symptoms
• Cures or reduces blood pressure
•  Cures or reduces blood sugars
• Improved lipid (blood fat) profiles
• Cures or reduces cancer-related fatigue
•Confidence and fresh look with a better body image
• Sharper focus and concentration + general health awareness in 2021 

After knowing such numerous benefits and ways to cure diabetes, are you still thinking to opt for Yoga or not, then you’re doing wrong to yourself? YOGA IS THE BEST WAY TO CURE DIABETES, LET IT SINK IN! 


All diabetic patients must give themselves a checklist that they’re suffering from a disease that will recover soon without any problems. StayYou strong at every stage of life. You need to take good care of yourself and especially YOUR HEALTH. Whatsoever stress you have to spare some time out and relax with the help of Yoga and meditation.

 Is yoga safe for diabetic patients?

Yoga is a safe practice for everyone. If you are a beginner, keep in mind to start slow. It will take time, but once you are a pro. It will feel great. Diabetic patients should take advice from their doctors before they start any form of exercise. 

Is it possible to lower diabetes quickly?
What can you do to keep diabetes in control?
Diabetes-the killer, Yoga-the rescuer of your life in 2021

Diabetes-the killer, Yoga-the rescuer of your life in 2021

We all are aware of the health issues and the increasing problems caused by them. The major reason for any disease is the unhealthy lifestyle we have adapted from past years. It is observed that the majority of people are suffering from diabetes and haven’t recovered yet and are on high medications as well. But quite a few people have got over such a disease and have saved their lives by adapting to the daily practice of Yoga in their life.

Yoga has acted as a miracle for several diabetic patients to keep them intact and under control. Their overall quality of life has resulted in major improvements.

Here, this blog would address what diabetes is and how a few changes in your lifestyle and adopting yoga can help rescue your life.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes, the killer in simple words can be defined as a disease that can stop making insulin in your body. The body’s cells are no longer strong enough to make better utilization of insulin which leads to a massive shoot-up in blood sugars.

When one’s suffering from diabetes, the diabetic patient’s body becomes so weak that its ability to function or respond to the hormone insulin is poor. The output to this is abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and increased levels of glucose in the blood.

Danger Killer- Diabetes!!

Nowadays, the way people live, the eating habits have a drastic change as compared to the past times. People have become more prone to eating junk foods that further result in high cholesterol levels, high sugar levels in the body, and resulting in diabetes. Diabetes can cause several diseases and can be dangerous up to the level to take your life away. The diseases caused by diabetes are:

  1. Diabetic Kidney Disease
  2. Losing of Eyesight
  3. Cardiovascular of Heart Diseases
  4. Nervous Damage
  5. Amputations
  6. Strokes
  7. Damage of arteries and veins

To recognize whether you are diabetic or not, you can follow up and see if you can observe these symptoms in you.

  1. Feeling thirsty extensively
  2. Frequent urination
  3. Major hunger
  4. Sudden weight loss
  5. Presence of ketones in the urine 

If you observe such symptoms in you, contact and book an appointment with a doctor immediately.

According to the researches, it’s found that 90% of people are suffering from Type-2 diabetes. The only way to keep this disease away from us having a daily schedule for exercise and making changes to our eating habits. Reducing your weight can be a major way to control diabetes and the effects of Type-2 diabetes.

How can Yoga act as a rescuer?

Yoga can act as a magic lamp in your diabetic life. Whether you’re suffering from Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes, there are exercises and solutions to both. There are plenty of benefits of practicing Yoga, a few of them are:

  • It reduces stress which makes it facile to manage blood glucose levels in diabetes of both types.
  • Degrades the risk of injury from daily ongoing activities
  • Helps one relax and generates a feeling of wellness
  • Improvises balance and coordination
  • Upgrades a range of motion
  • Keeps your joints flexible, strong, and healthy.

The best way to treat diabetes through Yoga is including practices such as:

  1. Meditation: It is the best way to calm down your body and understand its needs and requirements and staying at peace from the mind. Include a meditation of 10 minutes daily.
  2. Including Asanas and Pranayama: Including asanas and Pranayama or breathing exercises can help cure both types of diabetes easily
  3. Hot Yoga- One of the best ways to exercise. It leads to a shoot-up in your insulin sensitivity and guides your body to stabilize blood levels. 

Adapt changes in your Lifestyle

The best way to treat diabetes is by improvising your lifestyle. The lifestyle you have today and had in the past years was an unhealthy lifestyle which has resulted in becoming the diabetes the killer and a big danger in your beautiful life.

Life’s beautiful. To enjoy your life smoothly it is necessary that you adapt some strong changes in your lifestyle, such as:

1. Adopt the practice of Yoga and Meditation.

2. Keep a Balanced Diet.

3. Prefer to use staircase wherever possible instead of lift.

4. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.

5. Calculate and keep a track of your calorie Intake.

6. Follow up with the consultations of doctor.

7. Avoid eating processed foods. 


Undoubtedly, as elaborated and discussed in the above contexts that diabetes is a strong killer and can lead to major destruction. There are a lot of ways to manage diabetes. To keep type-2 diabetes in control, hot yoga is the best way to follow up. It not only helps in stabilizing sugar levels in your body but also increases the insulin sensitivity in your body.

Make sure to comprehend and listen to your body. Stay updated and follow up with your health professionals or doctors. They are the ones who can assist you best in managing your health conditions. 



1. Is Yoga good for diabetes?

Ans. According to studies, Yoga is a rescuer for many diabetic patients. It helps many people in improvising their health in numerous ways. Yoga is the most effective therapy for diabetic patients as there is an observed improvement in the lives of diabetic patients.

2. Is it possible to lower diabetes quickly?

Ans. Lowering the levels of diabetes from your body is not an easy task. It depends on body to body as to what methods you can utilize and your hard-work to reduce intake of sugar in your body. Though, yoga is one of the best and quickest way to reduce harmful effects of diabetes  from your body.

3. What can you do to keep diabetes in control?

Ans. The foods that consists of trans fats or the processed foods are most dangerous for your body as they contain maximum amount of sugars. If the level of junk food or sugar food increases in a wrong manner, it can cause major diseases like stroke, heart attack, high level cholesterol, etc.