Have you ever wondered why you cannot sleep lately especially when your diet is fine and so is your lifestyle?
The major reason for not having a good sleep at night is of course the diet you consuming and the lifestyle you have in 2021 which is poor and is getting adverse day by day.
One of the major reasons for not having a nice sleep is the lack of immunity and confidence. Yes, you heard it right, confidence.
Most people are facing a lot of stress and anxiety lately in 2021 due to the bad news heard every day on Television of several deaths due to the Second and most dangerous wave of Coronavirus which is not sparing rich or poor.
It is important to have a good sleep for a good morning and energetic morning to function well.
Our bodies are designed in such a manner that one must have at least a sleep of 8 to 10 hours a day at night which is been lacked due to the excessive workload, stress or some bad news heard now and then.
Let’s further discuss how can yoga Sleeping Asana help one rejuvenate their sleep and enroute to a better Yogistic approach in 2021.
Table of Contents
List of Reasons you can’t get a great Good Night Sleep?
STRESS is possibly the biggest cause of insomnia, causing millions of us to lie awake every night worrying.
Our state of mental health is intrinsically linked with sleep problems, whether it’s worry preventing us from nodding off, or depression causing us to wake up unduly early every morning.
Mostly a good and heavy dinner often makes us feel sleepy, it’s not always a good idea to pack in a big meal too close to bedtime.
Apart from this, your stomach is trying to digest your food, it can be uncomfortable lying down with a full stomach.
To opt for better functioning of mind and body and work for a longer timespan and live life happily, you must have a NICE SLEEP, but often one faces a lot of issues which leads to mind being exhausted and frustrated leading to no sleep.
Yoga Sleeping Asana lowers stress hormones and strengthens the nervous system while also stimulating the lymphatic system, which relaxes your body from all toxins leading to a night of better sleep.
Yoga Sleeping Asana helps every person to feel more at peace with the world and yourself which in turn gives one space to have a healthier lifestyle and not reach for unhealthy options or fall into old unhealthy habits.
Yoga works and emphasizes breath, focus, and meditation.
Some good tips apart from yoga Sleeping Asana that will help you have a great Good Night sleep
1. Consumption of caffeine prior 4 hours of sleeping must be avoided and minimized
2. Keep a good regular sleep and wake schedule
3. Say no to smoking, especially near bedtime or if you awake at the night
4. Avoid excessive alcohol and heavy meals before sleep
5. Have a regular exercise and Yoga Sleeping Asana time
6. Reduce noise, light, and excessive hot and cold temperatures where you sleep
7. Develop a regular bedtime and go to bed at the same time each night
8. Focus on trying and wake up without an alarm clock
9. Attempt to go to bed earlier every night for a certain period
Some Sleeping Asana That Will Help you have a Good Night’s Sleep
If you have a good practice of these Yoga Sleeping Asana exercises as a beginner or a person who wants to do it to stay fit, that’s a need of an hour for all of us then you can resolve sleeping problems in no time and help to maintain a good sleep for long.
Spend a good amount of time like 30 minutes a day on yoga Sleeping Asana exercises that will surely help you lead to a healthy body and mind.
1. Anjali Mudra
1. Take the hands together in prayer and lightly touch the thumbs to the center of the chest,
2. Take a moment to acknowledge the space around the heart.
3. Consciously think of at least 3 things you are grateful for at this moment and be with those feelings for a minute or two, or more if that feels right.
2. Cat or Cow Pose
1. Come on to hands and knees with the spine in neutral, shoulders over wrists, and hips over knees.
2. Begin to move slowly by practicing the pose.
3. Feel the movement start from the tailbone and flow up through the spine and back again in a fluid, soothing way.
4. Breathe and guide the movement of the body, releasing any tension or tightness in the back and/or the mind.
3. Child Pose
1. It is one of the yoga postures for quieting, calming, and restoring when it comes to preparing the mind and body for sleep.
2. The knees can be together or separate, depending on what your body wants and I’d recommend placing the arms in variation is going to increase feelings of relaxation.
3. Stay for at least 10-15 (or more) breaths, and get a sense that you’re letting go more and more with each exhalation, helping to rejuvenate and restore your whole being.
4. Butterfly Pose
1. This pose works to quiet the mind and introvert our awareness. From seated, bring the soles of the feet together and then slide them away from your body, further than you would have them in Baddha Konasana.
2. As you start to fold forward, allow your back to round and feel yourself slowly melting towards the floor.
3. Depending on your level of flexibility, the forehead may come to rest on the hands, or maybe it comes all the way to rest on the feet.
4. Allow yourself time to melt into the pose and use the exhalation to help you let go.
5. After a minute or three, or an amount of time that feels intuitively right, start to slowly peel yourself up (please don’t hurry).
6. It’s nice to counter this pose with a very quiet, gentle seated backbend or gentle seated twist.
“Yoga can be the best way to solve all your health issues with just a bit of time investment, DO IT!!”
“Stay healthy, Stay safe!!”