Table of Contents
- Strengthens hands, wrists, arms, core, and legs
- It stretches the backs of the legs.
- Improves sense of balance and focus
- To learn the correct weight distribution in the pose, exercise it with the soles of your feet pressing against a wall.

How to do
- Start in Plank Pose, pressing firmly through your hands with your shoulders aligned over your wrists.
- Keeping your core muscles and legs engaged, roll both your heels to the right.
- Stack your left foot on top of the right.
- Draw your legs together and push out through the feet.
- Press down through the right hand and raise your left hand. Keep your lower belly engaged and your tailbone long.
- Look up to your hand, or ahead of you.
- Build up to stay in the pose for 5 breaths.
- To come out, exhale as you lower your left hand and reel your feet back to Plank position.
- Repeat on the other side.