7 Exercises to Stay Active at the time of Coronavirus

7 Exercises to Stay Active at the time of Coronavirus

With an end goal to forestall the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), numerous observer and support sports & exercises have been delayed. 

While this might be particularly disillusioning on the off chance that you were anticipating school b-ball’s March Madness, it’s a significant advance in limiting the effect of COVID-19 in our networks. 

1. Exercise without anyone else, with a companion, or in little gatherings of under 10

In case you’re going outside, consider carrying your family or a companion to stay with you, however keep the U.S. Communities for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rules at the top of the priority list. Pick exercises that permit you to keep up a suitable separation between one another, for example, climbing or biking. Give a valiant effort to limit direct contact and spare your high-fives and clench hand knocks for one more day. 

In the event that you are going to practice with a little gathering of companions, plan to get together at the goal to stay away from tight situation like carpools, and consider outside exercises as opposed to wellness studios. 

2. Take part in non-contact exercises that permit dispersing of 6 feet between members

Restricting physical contact is perhaps the most ideal approaches to forestall the spread of coronavirus—and some other infection. Social separating rules suggest keeping up six feet of room among individuals, and there’s a lot of exercises that take into account this, for example, biking or tennis. 

Other gathering exercises, for example, running, bodyweight exercise schedules, and wellness recordings consider extra dispersing. In case you’re utilizing any gear, make certain to altogether spotless and clean it when use, regardless of whether you’re the just one utilizing it. 

3. Reevaluate break. 

With kids home from school and concentrating on separation learning, remember break. Physical movement is a significant piece of the school day and helps kids with wellness, yet with mental concentration and fixation too. Make certain to incorporate a blend of organized and unstructured physical movement into consistently your kid is home.

4. Work on improving your overall wellness. 

Having a solid center and vigorous wellness level is essential for acceptable wellness. You can chip away at reinforcing your center and cardiovascular condition without trading off the security of everyone around you by utilizing:

  • Home exercise centers
  • Locally established video exercises
  • Online exercise programs

Truth be told, numerous wellness-related educators and associations are right now offering free online exercise classes and schedules for new clients as an approach to energize movement and improve confidence all through the nation.

5. Exercise outside. 

Most open exercise center offices are likely shut yet in the event that yours is as yet open, we suggest maintaining a strategic distance from it until general wellbeing authorities state in any case. Rather, bring your wellness into the natural air outside. Consider climbing another way or attempting a water-based movement like kayaking, if the climate grants. 

More youthful competitors can likewise profit by outside play without anyone else or in little gatherings. Make certain to regulate kids playing in little gatherings or alone, and dishearten the utilization of sporting gear or wilderness rec centers to limit direct contact with one another and surfaces. 

6. Clean and sanitize any hardware you utilize alone or with others. 

The infection may stay dynamic on untreated surfaces for an all-encompassing period, so make certain to follow the CDC rules for cleaning and purifying surfaces and any gear you use without anyone else or with others. Utilizing a cleaning arrangement that contains in any event 70% liquor is significant, regardless of whether you and your family are utilizing your own in-home offices. 

7. Exercise utilizing your body weight. 

Utilizing your own body weight with a circuit-type program can be a compelling method to keep up quality and oxygen-consuming wellbeing in a brief timeframe. Bodyweight exercises can fuse an assortment of developments that don’t require gear, including:

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Jumps
  • Pushups
  • Yoga

Recall that with any activity program, you ought to slowly build recurrence, force, and term to evade abuse wounds. On the off chance that it harms, quit doing it.

8. Keep in contact with your wellness network on the web. 

Regardless of whether you’re a serious competitor or an end of the week warrior, keep in contact with your companions and colleagues through proper web based life channels. Think about sharing your musings regarding this circumstance and trusts in coming back to typical action when securely conceivable. Consider on-line difficulties for steps, or fixed bicycle rides, or even run a “virtual race” together and think about occasions.



“We don’t know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice we have”. No matter what the situations always prepare yourself for the difficulties you may face in life. There is a number of diseases doctors talk about, but that doesn’t mean you stop living life. Be Strong and positive, then see how you are able to fight against any kind of health problems. Before I started with any kind of detailed explanation about diabetic life, I just wanted the audience to know how important it is to consider these traits in order to live a healthy life.

What is diabetes? When your blood glucose or blood sugar is extremely at high level it generates this disease known as Diabetes. The food you eat produces blood glucose and is considered to be the main source of energy. The glucose from food gets into your cell with the help of insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas. In some situations the body is not able to make enough inulin, not make any at all, and even if it makes it is not used that well which will definitely not allow the glucose to reach the cells. It can create health problems if you have an overdose of glucose in your blood. Every case of diabetes is serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly and handled with care.

There are two main types of diabetes :

→ It is also known as insulin dependent diabetes. → It is also known non-insulin-dependent diabetes.
→ The body produces a small amount of insulin or none at all. → It may occur because the body does not
produce enough insulin, or the insulin which is produced is not used properly.
→ It usually appears before the age of 40 or during the teenage years. → It appears after the age of 40.
→ Glucose levels must be regularly monitored in order to check for ant complications. → People who are overweight are more likely to get affected.

Children and young adults are affected by type 1 and the age group above 40 is categorized under type 2. The types can vice-versa also as in children also be diagnosed with type 2 also and adults can be diagnosed with type 1. It happens in very rare cases. Due to the sedentary lifestyle teenagers end up increasing their weight and therefore this increases the chances of them to diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Cause of diabetes 

  • Overweight, obesity, and physical inactivity
    People who are physically inactive, overweight, or obese tend to develop type 2 diabetes. Being overweight leads to insulin resistance.
  • Genes and family history
    If this kind of disease runs in the family you are most likely to be affected too.

Ways to cure diabetic problems

There are a few steps you can follow to manage diabetes and stay healthy even though it is said that there is no cure for this disease.

  • Diabetic diet – All the foods used in this are suitable for people who are diagnosed with diabetes. Low carb and high fiber foods helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels.
  • Monitor your blood sugar – Keeping a check on your blood sugar levels will indeed help you to understand whether you need to adjust your meals and medication.
  • Control stress level – In order to maintain your blood sugar levels it is essential to keep your stress level under control. Therefore, Yoga, meditation, and exercise are extremely important to help you to maintain your stress level this, in turn, helps you to keep your blood sugar level under control.

According to Style craze, practicing yoga on a daily basis can help regulate the sugar levels in your body and maintain your body weight. Meditation and exercise will help your body respond to insulin in a better way. One of the major causes of diabetes is increasing stress levels and experts have proven practicing yoga on a regular basis has helped to keep your stress levels under control.

Bhujangasana The Cobra Pose

This pose benefits diabetic patients in particular. It prevents you from getting diabetes and therefore is considered to be one of the primary yoga poses. 

This can be done by lying flat on the stomach on a level surface. 

This type of yoga focuses specifically on the muscles of the abdomen and shoulders improving the circulation of blood and oxygen in the region.

This improved circulation is especially required for boosting the metabolic processes of the body and thereby effectively controlling blood sugar levels.

Mayur asana 

With the specific function of flushing out the system of toxins from the body, and at the same time invigorating and toning the digestive system, the Mayur asana yoga technique, helps in building pressure towards the abdomen, as a result of which the flow of blood is directed towards the area. 

Also, it reinvigorates the digestive organs like the liver and pancreas and combats diabetes to a huge extent. 

Hal asana

Hal asana or the plow pose is of particular benefit to you if you have diabetes as it stimulates the spinal nerves and the abdominal muscles. This pose focuses on the abdominal cavity and stimulates the digestive organs. The abdominal organs, the throat, the lungs, and the parathyroid glands derive especial benefit from this pose and thereby contribute to improved digestion and metabolism. 

Studies have revealed that the effects of this yoga pose are therapeutic in nature and are known to provide benefits if you have diabetes through improved digestion and improved metabolism. 

Chakras Ana 

Similar to the athletic backbend, and known for its reinvigorating and stimulating effects on the body – Chakras Ana has been spotted for enhancing the efficiency of the abdominal organs by stretching up the abdominal muscles and generating pressure on the digestive organs.

This also tones and strengthens the abdominal and back muscles. This pose enhances the blood flow and positively contributes in removing toxins from the system. As a result, the metabolic activity is refreshed and rejuvenated imparting an effective metabolism of the body. 

Yoga is important in improving your physical activity regardless if you have diabetes or not. It improves your mental and physical strength which is part of managing diabetes. 

Anxiety A Dangerous Disease | 5 Yoga Asana For Anxiety Beat This Disease

Anxiety A Dangerous Disease | 5 Yoga Asana For Anxiety Beat This Disease

Yoga Asana For Anxiety

Yoga Asana For Anxiety – I am sure by now all of us are very much familiar with this word. Why t? All of us are anxious at some point in our lives. Am I right?

Life is incomplete without being stressed or worried about the smallest thing. There are very few percentages of people who live a completely stress-free life or who chose not to worry over the smallest problem.

I mean no one here should feel this way, but its life, comes with the problem, all we can do is to be strong enough,

to face the difficulties by ourselves. We should learn to control life, not let life control us if you know what I mean.

Life becomes much easier if we learn to manage our stress and control it. I am not saying it’s easy to do it.

Each one of us follows a different lifestyle. Each one of us faces different kinds of problems each day. Here is how you can differentiate between anxiety since there are many,

Types of anxiety disorders

Panic disorder -A panic attack is a result of sudden intense fear.

The symptoms of a panic attack may include a pounding heartbeat, chest pain, or a lot of sweat. You even may feel like you’re having a heart attack or you’re choking.

Social anxiety disorder– It becomes difficult for you to be social since you constantly worry about being embarrassed or judged by others.

This is just not a one-time thing; you feel overwhelmingly worried and self-conscious in every social situation. This is also known as social phobia.

Generalized anxiety disorder– Sometimes the problem may be very little, and sometimes there may be no problem at all-but you are constantly feeling excessive unrealistic tension and worry.

Specific phobias– Any kind of specific situation or object may get you all worried and scared. For example- many fear height. Sometimes you may end up avoiding an ordinary situation just because of fear.

Let me share a personal experience, me and my brother fear of going through an elevator just because we got stuck once when we were kids. We may prefer walking on 6 floors but do not take a lift.

Agoraphobia– When you fear being trapped in a place, find it hard to escape, or can’t ask for help if there is an emergency. For example, being trapped in an elevator, standing in a line with the crowd, public transportation, etc.

Separation anxiety– Separation anxiety can be felt by anyone, it’s not just the kids who fear the separation from their loved ones. You constantly worry about your loved ones being separated from you or that something bad might happen to them.

Selective mutism– When young kids can talk to their parents normally at home but are uncomfortable talking in public, it is known as selective mutism.

Medication-induced anxiety disorder- Some anxiety disorder symptoms may be triggered by the use of certain medication or illegal drugs or even withdrawal from certain drugs.

I am sure not all of you knew there were so many types of anxiety disorder. Now, that you are aware take this disease seriously and take strict actions.

The problem of anxiety is just not small, if ignored can affect your mental health a lot. Do not be embarrassed by your anxiety, do not feel you’re the only one,

we all are on the same boat, at some point we all feel cornered due to anxiety.

We all need to know, why it may happen and also research about what needs to be done, what may be the right plan of action to take away this horrible disease.

Now, it may not happen all at once, it takes time and a lot of patience. Here is what you can do to manage your anxiety disorder symptoms-

Yoga Asana For Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Management

Yoga Asana For Anxiety disorder symptoms management
These are a few tips to lessen or at least control the symptoms:

  • It is very important to learn about your disorder
  • Always stick to your treatment plan
  • Cut down food with caffeine
  • Don’t do drugs or use alcohol
  • Exercise and eat right
  • Get enough good sleep
  • Think of ideas to be relaxed
  • Write down your feelings in a journal
  • Go out and be with your friends
  • Be positive and try to manage your negative thoughts
  • Look for support.

Yoga therapy – Yoga Asana For Anxiety, cure for any kind of anxiety disorder

“Meditation, visualization, and focusing on breathing can help with letting go of worry and fear.

The overall practice of yoga can elicit the relaxation response, allowing both the body and mind to gain a sense of calm and ease.”

Katharina Star, Ph.D. Counsellor Specialising in Anxiety

Yoga itself is an effective self-soothing method. The people are not being asked to justify their way out of Yoga Asana For Anxiety in fact yoga therapy helps you in this situation.

Yoga helps to provide you with the right tools to accept the feelings, actions, and thoughts that lead to heightened Yoga Asana For Anxiety.

Yoga can be called a long-term investment since it lasts till the end. It is definitely a safe and inexpensive treatment option for Yoga Asana For Anxiety.

Yoga helps people become less anxious since yoga allows them to become aware of the link between their minds and bodies, and therefore Yoga is also known as a mind-body practice.

Yoga helps to offer a form of relaxation which can replace unhealthy coping mechanisms and also increases mind-body awareness.

In such cases, an essential treatment plan can be medication, but the side effects of medicines may disappoint some people since the process of withdrawal may become difficult.

Yoga can act as a support system for Yoga Asana For Anxiety in three ways- first of all, it helps to manage anxiety, help people regulate their stress, and increase their strength.

Here are yoga poses to practice | Yoga Asana For Anxiety

Butterfly pose

Butterfly pose

If you feel anxious this Yoga Asana For Anxiety helps you to calm down at the moment. This pose encourages internal reflection if you focus on breathing.

This pose provides you with the calmness you require since it is a meditative pose.

Extended triangle poses

Extended triangle poses

Extended triangle posesYoga experts recommend this pose for beginners. This pose helps to alleviate depression and anxiety.

When life seems tough for you, this pose helps you to cope up with it.

Bridge pose

Bridge pose

It is said that this pose helps you to focus and think more clearly since this pose opens up space around your heart.

Therefore, this Yoga Asana For Anxiety can work great with anxiety.

Child pose

Child pose

If the anxiety has an impact on your sleep, then this pose helps to provide a sense of stability and calmness.

If you have hip or knee injuries, be careful when you practice this yoga pose. Just because it is a calming pose, does not mean it’s easy.

Dolphin pose

Dolphin pose

This pose has several benefits, one of them is it helps people with mild symptoms of depression.

It helps to improve awareness and concentration since it increases blood flow to the brain.

This pose also helps with insomnia if you have problems sleeping.

If you are a person who faces anxiety, never feel left out because we all do too, you’re not alone in this. Do not consider anxiety as an embarrassment, we all go through with it at some or other time.

Being normally anxious is perfectly fine but constantly worrying about little things needs to be treated before it goes out of your hands.

I know it’s not easy for such people but not giving up and being positive is the key in such a situation.

You need to be your motivation, no one Is going to help you, you have to be your support system. Yoga is the best self-motivational therapy to help you get out of a tough situation.

Just remember we can face any kind of tough situation if we are strong and confident enough to fight against it.

Practice yoga at home to reduce your cellulite

Practice yoga at home to reduce your cellulite

Normally, it’s easy to reduce your weight if you follow a strict diet and regular exercise routine. The difficult part is your cellulite. It’s not easy to reduce it because it’s said to be really stubborn.  Are one of those who is finding difficulty in reducing the cellulite?  Want a permanent and effective solution? You have come to the right place! Cellulite is not harmful for your health. It spoils the appearance of the body. It becomes a matter of concern especially for the women. When fat cell push through the second layer of skin, called the dermis it develops textural changes or dimples in the skin also given the term Cellulite. It generally appears in the upper arms, belly, buttocks and thighs.  

Who are most affected?  

When compared to men and women. Women who are at the age of 21 or older tend to have it more whereas men rarely develop it. It is really embarrassing and uncomfortable for the women out there. This is the reason they are not able to wear their favorite dress because they feel it doesn’t look good on them. Even though, my whole article is about how to lose your cellulite? I would like to give a little piece of advice to all the young girls out there. Not just the young girl but every woman reading this, LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF AND YOUR BODY NO MATTER WHAT. The fat in your body doesn’t define who you are. So, the rest of you STOP BODY SHAMING. Women shouldn’t be embarrassed for being too skinny, or being too fat but the ones who has the audacity to judge them are considered to be flagrant.  

To me beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are”. – Ellen DeGeneres 

Cellulite causes- 

According to Medical News Today 

The development of cellulite may be because of several factors, some of which may be: 

  • Not having a proper diet. Intake of all junk food is considered to be really unhealthy.  
  • For a long period of time not doing any physical activity. Sitting idle on a constant basis.  
  • Being old, Genetic history and hormonal imbalance are also considered to the reasons to increase the risk of cellulite in your body.  

What is septae? They are thick bands of collagen which connects the skin to muscle and also holds the back subcutaneous fat in the dermis. When septae tightens, Cellulite tends to occur. 

The underlying fat cells rise upward when the bands tighten and pulls the skin. A dimpling of the skin is created which is similar to a cottage cheese or orange peel. 

Why cellulite is common in female and rare in males? This is because in females, the shape of collagen bands tends to be honey comb while males tend to have horizontal patterns.

Now, let’s have a look at what all treatments can be used to reduce that stubborn cellulite.

Cellulite treatments– 

Energy -based devices and topical agents are few of the different treatments used to reduce your cellulite.

Extreme cellulite improves with the help of topical agents such as creams made up of retinol or caffeine. You can either massage it or directly apply on the area of cellulite. These kinds of creams are not very useful since it works only for a short period of time.

Laser and Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) are two energy- based devices which are used to treat cellulite. If you go for this method of treatment it will stay for quite some time (up to 2 years). It helps to promote tissue changes and hence shows better improvement.

I’m sure by now you must be thinking how expensive these treatment or creams might be. Right? And on top of that it doesn’t even guarantee you with a long-term result. So, it’s obvious you wouldn’t want to spend so much if there is no permanent solution.

Do you wish for a natural or less expensive cure to reduce your cellulite? Is that possible? I’m going to say YES, WHY NOT?

Ever heard about “YOGA” and how beneficial it is for your body and mind both? Is it a permanent solution? Yes, definitely. But you do have to keep in mind to practice yoga on a regular basis to see its positive results. Whatever exercise you try, you need to invest your time and have patience to see its results. You need to think practical. It is YOGA not MAGIC, that it will help to vanish your cellulite in one go.

The main areas where your cellulite most often appears is your thighs and butt. So, here are a few yoga steps you can easily practice at home to get rid of your cellulite especially for the butt and thigh area:


This asana stimulates the muscles in your legs, especially the butt and thighs. Sitting on a chair is easy, but when you sit on an imaginary chair, your muscles are exerted as they hold the fort for your body. Your body weight rests upon your legs, especially on the muscles of the butt and thighs. It not only tones them but also helps to strengthen. 


This asana works on the legs for sure, but specifically on the inner thighs. At the outset, this pose might look simple, but it works on the muscles that do not get attention when we run our daily chores. The best part is that both the legs get a different workout at the same time, so more muscle groups are targeted with this asana. 


When you practice this asana regularly, it moves beyond your body, i.e., the organs, nerves, bones, and muscles, and penetrates into the very core of your being. As you balance your body weight on your buttocks, your being trembles initially. But, a whole lot of strength and determination is built within the few seconds of suspension. There is a great improvement in blood circulation, and your legs get a good stretch. 


This is an effective yoga exercise that addresses the posterior spine while adding ‘lifting’ capabilities in the legs and to tone or shape up the glutes. It also works on many other parts of your body. It strengthens your legs and enhances the flow of blood. Your hips and thighs (legs, in general) remain strong, flexible, and in good health.

5.Setu Bandhasana

Are one of those people who don’t have any idea about yoga or think it’s really boring? Want to make it fun? Want to use a simpler way? Scared to spend money on those expensive classes in the starting?  Go for this app on your phone called Dr.Zio. It provides you with the best features. It makes learning yoga very easy specially for the beginners. It is TOTTALLY FREE. So, what are you even waiting for go give it a shot. I Have mentioned the link below: 

Cellulite Treatment Yoga & Exercise – Thigh & Butt

Yoga for slim and strong thighs – 5 yoga asanas at your solution!

Yoga for slim and strong thighs – 5 yoga asanas at your solution!

ount of fat on our hips and thighs region due to the bad lifestyle and our bad habits of sitting or laying on the bed all the time.

Especially after the “WORK FROM HOME” trend, most of us have gained an immense amount of weight which is tough to lose especially when we have no place to go out. But Yoga can do magical wonders for all the people who gained weight on their thighs.

It is our sedentary lifestyles and lack of exercise(Yoga For Slim And Strong Thighs), we tend to accumulate fat in the hips and thighs. But, not to worry fellas!

Here are some good Yoga For Slim And Strong Thighs yoga. A proper combination of diet and yoga can help one resolve issues of heaviness and fat in the thigh region.

Here is what you need to know about how Yoga can help you make the most of your body healthy and stiff at home Further, we’ll be elaborating on 5 yoga poses helpful for reducing weight from the thigh region.

Yogistic Approach for Toning Thighs

Yes, thigh toning yoga asanas can help you to get rid of pain and reduce the chances of injuries as well.  The Yoga asanas will also not only improve blood circulation, strengthen hips and joints and energy flow but also reduce the fat around the pelvic area and thigh region, thus helping you to get back in shape.

So let’s dig on to know which yoga postures can help to reduce fats in thighs and  help them tone up.

Yoga For Slim And Strong Thighs


1. Stand erect in Utkatasana. Gently bend your knees and lower your buttocks as if you are seated on an imaginary chair.

2. Inhale and extend your arms over your head.

3. Hold the pose for a few seconds as you keep the flow of your breath going. Release.

2. Virabhadrasana II

1. Widen your legs such that they are substantially more than hip-width apart.

2. Turn your right heel with the toes pointing outwards, and use your left heel to ground yourself.

3. The arch of your left heel must be in line with the right foot. Lower your hips and then radiate your energy out as you stretch out your arms such that they are in line with your shoulders.

4. Turn your gaze forward and hold the pose with integrity. Breathe slow and strong as you hold the pose and then release.

5. Repeat on the other side.

3. Natrajasana

1. Stand in Tadasana. Lift your right foot and swing it behind such that your right leg is parallel to the ground.

2. Bend your knee, reaching your right arm to the right foot/big toe, and stretch. Once you grasp the right foot, stretch your left arm forward.

3. You could keep the palms stretched out or assume the Gyan Mudra. Look at your left fingers.

4. Hold the pose for a few seconds as you take long, deep breaths. Release and repeat on the other side.

3. Ustrasana

in Vajrasana. 

2. Lift your hips and raise your body such that the hip muscles and calf muscles are perpendiculars.

3. Open up your chest and lean back. Reach your arms for the soles, making sure your arms are stretched out.

4. Gently hang your head as you gaze at the back. Ensure that there is no adverse feeling in the lumbar spine area.

5. Hold the pose as you take long, deep breaths. Release.

5. Upvistha konasana

1. Sit in Dandasana. Stretch your legs as wide apart as you can. Then, bring your palms to the center.

2. If you are flexible enough, direct your body and reach out ahead, attempting to rest your upper torso on the ground with your chin and head being the last to rest on the ground.

3. If not, bend your elbows and let your head hang. Breathe a few times, then slowly come back up and bring your feet together.


1. Are their yoga poses that challenge your thighs?

ANS. There are various yoga poses that support good posture, providing you to bear your weight by balancing on one leg or in a lunge is going to challenge your thighs. A good thighs pose looks like a wide squat. Just because a pose doesn’t directly target your thighs doesn’t mean it won’t offer value to your fat-loss goals.

2. Which is the best way to decrease thigh fat?

ANS. One great yoga asana for thigh fat is the Utkatsana. This pose helps one strengthening their legs and back. This chair pose can be challenging for some people. In this pose, you are working out in a seated position, but not sitting. Utkatsana is what makes it an excellent workout for the thighs.

3. How does yoga works on thighs?

ANS. When we are speaking about burning fat from the thigh region, some yoga asanas effectively work upon this area to make it slimmer. When yoga is combined with a balanced diet and workout routine, the poses can help blast away the fat from your problem area.

Yoga For Slim And Strong Thighs

Is migraine even that painful? Can yoga be effective in such cases?

Is migraine even that painful? Can yoga be effective in such cases?

It is a great stress-buster pose and resting pose. It is also called the Child pose. It gives a good stretch to the thighs, hips, and ankles. Your nervous system calms down once your body is stretched. It helps to reduce fatigue and stress, therefore, vanishes migraines.

If you are a beginner, to learn these yoga poses you need to join those expensive classes. I’m sure not all of us are that privileged to afford these classes, I’m saying this with confidence because I am one of you guys too. So, what do you think can be another option here? Let me help you out there too. The easiest way to practice yoga at home is through a simple smartphone. You can install this amazing app which provides the best features and guides you right from the starting till the end. I’ve been using it myself for quite a long-time and will definitely recommend going for it. Along with the amazing features that it includes this app is TOTALLY FREE! So, what are you waiting for? Go download and check it out and do let me know your reviews. I’ve mentioned the link below:

Migraine Relief Yoga-Sinus & Headache Relief Home

Yoga is a combination of asanas and breathing techniques that helps to promotes a sense of holistic living. It is been practiced for years therefore it’s just not a form of exercise for the practitioners. It only helps to fight against any disorder while rectifying postures and helps to improve overall health without any side effects. Throughout the day if you take out a few minutes from your busy schedule it will be considered to be a great help for the future and keeps you away from problems like migraines.

Given below are few different yoga poses that can help you out here:


  • Padmasana is a meditative posture because it helps to reduce headaches as it clears out the head and relaxes the mind. It is also known as the Lotus Pose. The pose looks simple but doesn’t go on its simplicity. It is equally difficult to master this pose.


  • popularly known as the Pada Hast Asana. It is more of a forwarding bend while standing. It calms the mind as it enhances blood circulation and stimulates the nervous system as it works on the core of the body. This also helps with migraine relief.


  • combination of Cow Stretch or the Bitilasana helps to form the Marjariasana also called the Cat Stretch. Combining these two poses is really beneficial for the system altogether. The pose is a great muscle and mind relaxant. It helps to release stress by improving your breathing. The symptoms and pain of migraines can be reduced with the help of all these factors.


It is a great stress-buster pose and resting pose. It is also called the Child pose. It gives a good stretch to the thighs, hips, and ankles. Your nervous system calms down once your body is stretched. It helps to reduce fatigue and stress, therefore, vanishes migraines.

If you are a beginner, to learn these yoga poses you need to join those expensive classes. I’m sure not all of us are that privileged to afford these classes, I’m saying this with confidence because I am one of you guys too. So, what do you think can be another option here? Let me help you out there too. The easiest way to practice yoga at home is through a simple smartphone. You can install this amazing app which provides the best features and guides you right from the starting till the end. I’ve been using it myself for quite a long-time and will definitely recommend going for it. Along with the amazing features that it includes this app is TOTALLY FREE! So, what are you waiting for? Go download and check it out and do let me know your reviews. I’ve mentioned the link below:

Migraine Relief Yoga-Sinus & Headache Relief Home