Immunity Boosting

Yoga- The easiest way to relief constipation

Yoga- The easiest way to relief constipation

In today’s time, people are maintaining a diet they shouldn’t. A diet that is filled with unhealthy junk foods like pizzas, burgers, pasta, etc. further are destroying one’s digestive system. Life is easy if you stay healthy and becomes hard with the smallest problems...

Health Benefits about Yoga

Health Benefits about Yoga

Yoga is not just a sport. Yoga is a lifestyle, an art, and a science. It affects one health and whole life physical, mental, and spiritual. It is a practical method for making one’s life purposeful, useful, and happy. The secret of yoga is that it fits anyone with any...

How does Yoga Boost our Immune System?

How does Yoga Boost our Immune System?

The word yoga plainly means ‘union’ or ‘connection’. A connection between the body, mind, and soul. This connection or union evolves with discipline, dedication, and practice. We all know early to bed and early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise. A regular...

Top 5 Easy Immunity Booster Yoga Poses To Do At Home

Top 5 Easy Immunity Booster Yoga Poses To Do At Home

Ask a dozen people about their health in 2021, and all you can hear about his problems, diseases such as COVID-19, fever. headache, flu, and many more. The major reason for kids, youngsters, or old people to catch infection this easy is the low immunity system. Not...

Best 5 Yoga And 4 Ayurvedic Herbs For Boosting Immunity

Best 5 Yoga And 4 Ayurvedic Herbs For Boosting Immunity

Have you ever thought about why your body feels so low and lethargic in the early morning despite the great sleep and diet you intaking? The reason is the lack of accurate diet your body requires, a balanced diet your body needs to stay strong and active all the time....

Daily dose of Yoga-A Yogistic lifestyle in 2021

Daily dose of Yoga-A Yogistic lifestyle in 2021

Yoga or Yog is the way one lives his or her life. Something unconventional that's beyond the Yoga classes and sessions one takes. Having a Yogistic lifestyle is not only important for our health but also is a necessity for better survival in 2021. After the pandemic...