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3 Secret Tips To Increase Height Quickly
Our height can influence our professional and personal life to a great extent. That’s why a majority of men and women are always looking to get taller. There are vital perks both in terms of health and lifestyle if you are a few extra inches taller. Method One:...
Mountain Climber (Running Planks)
Benefits It is a full-body exercise. It strengthens whole lower body muscles and shoulder. How to do Begin with traditional plank position — shoulders over hands and weight on just your toes. Bring your right knee forward under your chest, with the toes just off the...
Sitting half spinal twist pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Benefits It providing nutrients, blood, and oxygen, and improving the health of the reproductive system as well as the urinary system. Beneficial for menstrual disorders and Energizes the spine, Stimulates the liver and kidneys Tip The many hand variations in this...
Head-to-knee forward bend (Janu Sirsasana)
Benefits Therapeutic for high blood pressure, insomnia, and sinusitis Relieves anxiety, fatigue, headache, menstrual discomfort The liver and kidneys are stimulated. Menstrual and menopausal disorders are reduced. Tips Make sure the bent-leg foot doesn’t slide under...
Legs up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
Benefits Relieves tired or cramped legs and feet Alleviates headaches Relieves lower-back pain Calms the mind Tips Use your breath to ground the heads of the thighs bones into the wall, which helps release your groins, belly, and spine. In the pose imagine that each...
Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Benefits It soothes the digestive and the reproductive systems and treats conditions like irritable bowel disease, infertility, menstrual disorders, digestive issues, menopause, etc. It gives your groins, internal thighs, and knees a good stretch. It reduces muscle...
3 Benefits Of Tree Pose – Best Yoga pose (Vrikshasana)
Tree Pose is the best pose that strengthens the leg improves balance and fixation while quieting your brain. Its Sanskrit name, “Vrksasana” (vrik-SHAH-Suh-nuh), originates from two words: “Vrksa,” which signifies “tree” “Asana,” which signifies “present” Tree Pose...
Garland pose (Malasana)
Benefits Stretches the ankles, groins and back torso It tones the belly. Instigates metabolism. Increases flexibility in your ankles and knees. Tips If twisting is difficult, sit on the front edge of a chair seat, thighs forming a right angle to your torso, heels on...
Upward Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)
Benefits Reduces cramps at the calf, hamstrings and quadriceps Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland Stretches the shoulders, chest, and front ankles Strengthens the arms, core, legs and back. Tips Exercise with a chair support: Sit near the front edge of the...
Seated Wide Angle Pose (Upavistha Konasana) Yoga Pose
Benefits It Stimulates the abdominal organs Strengthens and tones the abs, spine and legs. Helps to cure and relieve sciatica and arthritis. It detoxifies the kidneys. Tips This pose is quite challenging for beginners. If you find it hard to bend forward, you could...
Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana)
Benefits Strengthens hands, wrists, arms, core, and legs It stretches the backs of the legs. Improves sense of balance and focus Tips To learn the correct weight distribution in the pose, exercise it with the soles of your feet pressing against a wall. How to do ...
How to Naturally Increase Your Height After 18
It is quite possible naturally increase your height after 18. But why?, How Possible ? Your answer is here. Ask a random girl to describe the preferred physical features she wants in her ideal man and you will almost certainly hear the good old “Tall, dark and...
Nadi Shodhan Pranayam
Benefits It also helps to alleviate respiratory allergies that cause hay fever, sneezing, or wheezing Helps harmonize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which correlates to the logical and emotional sides of our personality. It helps to balance hormones and...
Shanmukhi mudra
Benefits Great for facial muscles and appearance as the heat and prana of the hands and fingers stimulates and relaxes facial muscles. Useful for managing anxiety and removing negative intellectual patterns. It stimulates sensory organs and later stages sense...
Yoga- 5 Poses helpful as a solution to relieve acidity and gas
Yoga is the magical mantra in today’s world where it can relieve all your health-related issues just in a few months and show great results without many big-money investments. All you need to invest is tie for your health and spare some time from your daily routine...
Have a perfect posture in 2021
Keeping up with a regular routine to practice yoga is a vital part of managing all health-related issues and taking them off you. But let’s get into the harsh or bitter truth, it’s not always easy to stay healthy and active all the time.It’s never facile to deal with...
Yoga for Diabetes- A perfect blend to cure diabetes in 2021
Our daily lifestyle is increasingly becoming worst with unhealthy eating habits and irregular also poor sleeping patterns, it is affecting our body, both physically and mentally. In India, according to studies, India is the home to the second-largest diabetes patients...
Yoga – A master to make anxiety your slave in 2021
A person can get away with any disease until he or she has the spirit to fight it. Where does that spirit fade away and how can one get that spirit back in themselves? There’s a simple answer to it, which is Yoga. Induce a happy mood in yourself. That feeling of...
Don’t let depression depress you- Stay strong you!!
Depression in simple words is something that one must not face at any age. Depression is a type of disorder that can create a feeling of loneliness in you. When you start feeling that you have friends but still when you need someone in your weakest point, you look...
Yoga for treating Anxiety- A cure for all in 2021
In the current scenario, you must have surely heard from several people talking about having anxiety issues or anxiety. One must have heard several suicidal cases in the newspapers, news channels, etc. What is this anxiety? Why are people so tired of their life that...
Yoga for perfect sleep and relaxation in 2021
We, humans, spend almost 1-3rd of our lives sleeping. There is a major difference between just sleeping and having a good, comfortable and healthy sleep.Be it an ordinary man or a rich person, a healthy sleep often results in a day with increased productivity and...
Proof That Yoga for women really Works- 6 yoga poses helpful for women at every stage
Hey ladies! It is not at all easy being a woman. I’m sure all the girls and ladies out there agree with me on this one. At every stage of a women’s life weather, it is being a daughter, a wife, or when she finally becomes a mother, all hell lot of obstacles is always...
Thinking about yoga for period pain? Go for these 5 yoga poses to ease your pain.
“Period pain”- A girl cannot explain what to do they go through during this time. Did you know “Period pain can be as painful as having a heart attack or even worse? Sometimes I wonder why only girls have to undergo such dreadful situations in life. Any other girl who...
Yogistic Lifestyle and diversifying Yoga for W- 6 poses beneficial for women
Yoga has always been fruitful to women for several ways. Here is what you need to know about the importance of Yoga for Women and how can Women make the most from it. Further, we’ll be elaborating for 6 yoga poses helpful for women at every stage.Yoga Lifestyle for...
Yoga and Detoxification- A powerful duo in 2021
Yoga or Yog is the way one lives his or her life. Something unconventional that’s beyond the Yoga classes and sessions one takes. Having a detoxed and healthy body is not only important for our health purposes but also is a necessity for better survival in 2021 and...
Yoga- The easiest way to relief constipation
In today’s time, people are maintaining a diet they shouldn’t. A diet that is filled with unhealthy junk foods like pizzas, burgers, pasta, etc. further are destroying one’s digestive system. Life is easy if you stay healthy and becomes hard with the smallest problems...
Yoga for chest and shoulders- 7 incredibly useful chest and shoulder yoga stretches.
Do you believe that a workout at the gym is the only way to develop a strong chest and shoulder? You might have to rethink after reading this article. Trust me, you can build your chest and shoulders without weight lifting in the comfort of your home. Have you heard...
Detox your body: 5 Super useful detox yoga poses to revitalize your body
Hello folks! I guess Y’all are probably wondering what does the word detox means? How can detoxification be beneficial for your body? Should you detox yourself? Don’t worry I’ve answered all your questions in this article go on reading it I’m sure it will be...
Yoga- The remedy to treat cellulite in your body in 2021
Yoga is the only way to get rid of issues with cellulite. Talking about cellulite, one must know what it is and how to reduce it using Yoga. But why we have to get rid of it also one question that must arise in many minds.Our body has been tough for us all maintaining...
“Don’t worry, everything will work out when it’s the right time. I am sure most of you must be tired of listening to this. For long you guys must be waiting for the “right time”, and it has not come yet. Have you lost all hopes? I will say, DONT. “Hope” is the only...
5 amazing benefits of replacing other drinks with water in 2021
IntroductionThere are numerous benefits of drinking water. In the situation, especially in the Covid times, where according to the updated situation the current covid cases on April 21, 2021, the cases in India have touched 1,58,80,534, keeping your body healthy is a...
In most cases, women are ignorant of the particular condition. Well, let me tell you it’s probably not the right decision. Failure to pay attention to any kind of disease that affects your health is the worst-case scenario. In certain situations, women are not...
Yogistic lifestyle to solve High Blood Pressure issues in 2021- Yoga Poses to reduce BP
If one has a blood pressure with a Systolic count within 120 mm Hg and a diastolic count within 80 mm Hg, then one has normal blood pressure.If your systolic count is between 120-140 mm Hg and your diastolic count is between 80-90 mm Hg your blood pressure is on the...
Managing diabetes by Yoga in 2021
Having a routine to practice yoga and meditation is an important part of managing diabetes and taking it off you. But let’s face it, it’s not always facile to stay healthy and active all the time. It is not easy to deal with diabetes but it is not impossible too. If...
Yoga the magic mantra for Migraine issues
Several people have been lifetime sufferers of migraines and I can surely tell you they are the worst. The worst part about migraines is that they don’t have an instant 5 seconds cure or medication or any one particular solution to take away the intense, troublesome...
Yoga- Superman to get over back pain-2021
We all are aware of the health issues and the increasing problems caused during the covid times in 2021. The major reason for any disease is the unhealthy lifestyle we have adapted from past years. It is observed that the majority of people are suffering from back...
Top 5 Best yoga for heart health – Dr.Zio
It is often observed that one can work on becoming sedentary with little physical activity to keep us occupied at home. The major reasons for a bad heart are stress, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle can have serious long-term health consequences. The major reasons...
Yoga- Women’s edition to stay fit at home in 2021
Yoga has been amazing for women in various stages in their life, from stressful personal life to stressful family life. Whether you want to do yoga to relieve stress or stay fit at home in 2021, Yoga is the solution to all.It is observed that some women like a safe...
Yogistic lifestyle- Solution to all problems- 7 Warm up exercises to stay fit
Have you ever seen some people practicing some easy exercises on their Yoga Mats, before their advanced yoga sessions? No? Let’s talk about it. Or Have you ever arrived early for a Warm-Up Yoga session and you’ve probably noticed your fellow yoga mates working on some...
Health Benefits about Yoga
Yoga is not just a sport. Yoga is a lifestyle, an art, and a science. It affects one health and whole life physical, mental, and spiritual. It is a practical method for making one’s life purposeful, useful, and happy. The secret of yoga is that it fits anyone with any...
How does Yoga Boost our Immune System?
The word yoga plainly means ‘union’ or ‘connection’. A connection between the body, mind, and soul. This connection or union evolves with discipline, dedication, and practice. We all know early to bed and early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise. A regular...
10 Best Practices for Height Increase
Many of us are convinced to gain height naturally with a synergistic effect of exercise and a well-balanced diet. Several body postures go a long way in stretching your muscles and getting the decompressions out of your vertebrae. If you’re not happy with your look...
Top 5 Easy Immunity Booster Yoga Poses To Do At Home
Ask a dozen people about their health in 2021, and all you can hear about his problems, diseases such as COVID-19, fever. headache, flu, and many more. The major reason for kids, youngsters, or old people to catch infection this easy is the low immunity system. Not...
Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss
IntroductionYoga for belly fat reductionOf all the fat that is accumulated in your body, belly fat is most stubborn to shed. Let us resort to the Yoga, the ancient Indian practice, that focuses on exercise, diet, breathing, relaxation, and meditation, for healthier...
Best Food for Height Increase (100% Working)
IntroductionChildren reaching their optimum height is one of the biggest concerns that parents tend to have. Every parent wants to make sure that their children’s height increase is growing well. Many times, parents don’t realize how this can affect or impact their...
Yoga For Erectile Dysfunction | 5 Best Effective Yoga Poses
Every male who is having the issue of erectile dysfunction must be in doubt if yoga can cure erectile dysfunction (ED)? Yoga For Erectile Dysfunction has various benefits that can lead to the cure of Erectile Dysfunction. thus, Yoga For Erectile Dysfunction is Best...
Yoga Soothes Back Pain In Proved Study
Yoga Benefits For PainMany people are turning towards yoga as a possible solution to such problems. Yoga is an ancient practice combining meditation and exercise which have a deep and long-lasting effect on the mind and body. It regulates breathing and increases...
Myths About Height Increase (Seceret)
We’ve all been there, feeling a little down about our height. Whether you feel too tall and gangly or too short and stumpy, being insecure about your height is a real concern. You might believe that there’s nothing you can do, but you would be mistaken. Did you know...
These are the Reasons Why you Don’t grow your Height
Why do people go through such lengths?We live in a fast-paced materialistic world where a lot can be achieved from looking a certain way. According to the recent poll, people above the height range of 5 foot 7 apparently have better chances of cracking a job interview...
How Can We Look Taller Than We Really Are?
Being taller is one of the most physically desired trait in all humanity. For most men and women, height has a lot to do with their confidence. As a result, it is no surprise that people begin to panic when they notice a discontinuation in growth especially at the end...
Sleeping Asana | 4 Best yoga Asana For Better Sleep
Have you ever wondered why you cannot sleep lately especially when your diet is fine and so is your lifestyle? The major reason for not having a good sleep at night is of course the diet you consuming and the lifestyle you have in 2021 which is poor and is getting...
7 Exercises to Stay Active at the time of Coronavirus
With an end goal to forestall the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), numerous observer and support sports & exercises have been delayed. While this might be particularly disillusioning on the off chance that you were anticipating school b-ball’s...
“We don’t know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice we have”. No matter what the situations always prepare yourself for the difficulties you may face in life. There is a number of diseases doctors talk about, but that doesn’t mean you stop living...
Anxiety A Dangerous Disease | 5 Yoga Asana For Anxiety Beat This Disease
Yoga Asana For Anxiety Yoga Asana For Anxiety – I am sure by now all of us are very much familiar with this word. Why t? All of us are anxious at some point in our lives. Am I right? Life is incomplete without being stressed or worried about the smallest thing. There...
Practice yoga at home to reduce your cellulite
Normally, it’s easy to reduce your weight if you follow a strict diet and regular exercise routine. The difficult part is your cellulite. It’s not easy to reduce it because it’s said to be really stubborn. Are one of those who is finding difficulty in reducing the...
Yoga for slim and strong thighs – 5 yoga asanas at your solution!
ount of fat on our hips and thighs region due to the bad lifestyle and our bad habits of sitting or laying on the bed all the time. Especially after the “WORK FROM HOME” trend, most of us have gained an immense amount of weight which is tough to lose especially when...
Is migraine even that painful? Can yoga be effective in such cases?
It is a great stress-buster pose and resting pose. It is also called the Child pose. It gives a good stretch to the thighs, hips, and ankles. Your nervous system calms down once your body is stretched. It helps to reduce fatigue and stress, therefore, vanishes...
Yoga For Knee Pain | 5 best Yoga Poses For Knee Pain Relief
We all must have often observed that as the age gets older, the quantity or essence of calcium in the human body declines to lead to issues in bones such as knee bone. One of the simple reasons for knee pain is lack of diet and growing age. Other reasons can be a...
How can Yoga be helpful for constipation relief?
Are you one of those people who suffer from constipation? Do you face this regularly? Want a solution as soon as possible to this problem? Constipation is said to be a very common problem and one or the other time you will have to go through it. It’s not a serious...
Fat Loss Yoga | 5 Simple poses To Burn Body Fat Faster
Often one feels awful to be fat and ugly. But the real fact is it is not fat that makes you feel ugly, it is your mind that you mold that way that being fat. Being fat or obese is not only making people underconfident and feel ugly about themselves but can also...
Yoga- Does it even work in the case of hair loss?
Do you face a lot of hair fall issues? Is your hair all over the place? Are you sick and tired of picking up your hair from the ground again and again? I’m sure all the women here with long or even short hair can relate to me. Am I right or not? Hair fall is a very...
Thyroid disease- how to keep it in control with yoga?
“Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage do”. There’s a cruel truth about life that some people resist accepting, you have no hold over many of the things that happen to you. And when it happens it is definitely not going to be easy it always comes...
Yoga For PCOS Treatment | 4 Best Yoga To Treat PCOS
PCOS or often elaborated as Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a type of health condition common in women of reproductive age. It is caused by hormonal imbalance. In the PCOS condition, small cysts form in the ovaries which put a strong impact on the hormones and disrupt...
Is an early morning workout beneficial? 5 Rules that you should follow!
Are you an early bird or a night owl? On a Sunday morning, you would probably be snoring at 9 am in morning wrapped in a blanket waiting for your loved one to wake you up and offer a hot cup of coffee and a heavy breakfast. I'm sure you must be perplexed by reading...
Are you an insomniac? How about adding meditation and Yoga in your daily routine?
Do you find any difficulty in sleeping at night? Do you end up overthinking all night? Do you even stress about your sleep schedule? If yes then you have come to the right place. All these are signs of you turning into an insomniac! What is insomnia and who...
Best 5 Yoga And 4 Ayurvedic Herbs For Boosting Immunity
Have you ever thought about why your body feels so low and lethargic in the early morning despite the great sleep and diet you intaking? The reason is the lack of accurate diet your body requires, a balanced diet your body needs to stay strong and active all the time....
Manage your cholesterol levels by yoga- En route to a healthier life in 2021
Are you a foodie? Do feel like having some luscious stuff like a cookie sprinkled with chocolate chips or a crispy and creamy donut or you probably are eager and hungry for some heavy Italian cuisine full of cheese. Why don’t you go for a dish of cheesy pasta or a...
No one can Live without water! -Importance of water to Human health
Water is the true essence of our life. For a human body to survive sufficient water is the most essential need. Are you thirsty? I pardon myself ARE YOU THIRSTY? Or are you one of those who doesn't feel thirsty more often and dehydrate yourself? Whatever may be the...
Daily dose of Yoga-A Yogistic lifestyle in 2021
Yoga or Yog is the way one lives his or her life. Something unconventional that's beyond the Yoga classes and sessions one takes. Having a Yogistic lifestyle is not only important for our health but also is a necessity for better survival in 2021. After the pandemic...
5 Top Postpartum Yoga Poses | Postpartum Yoga Poses
LET’S CELEBRATE MOTHERHOODMotherhood is the big new step to a wonderful new life- A life of motherhood, a life of responsibility, and a joy of being a mother to her own child she kept 9 months inside her and took great care of her child. The process of motherhood is...
5 Golden Mantras to cut off Cholesterol naturally-2021
Due to the increased work hours and hectic schedules, one faces a lot of issues and somehow falls into an unhealthy lifestyle. After the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing that strikes the minds of people was to maintain a healthy diet. To maintain a balanced diet, build a...
Mindfulness of Yoga to overcome Depression- A 2021 edition
In the current scenario, you must have surely heard from several people talking about being in depression. One must have heard several suicidal cases in the newspapers, news channels, etc. What is this depression? Why are people so tired of their life that they're...
TWERK THAT BOOTY! 5 Yoga poses for a Bigger, Stronger, and Perfect butt.
Can you define a sexy or a perfect booty? Oh well! All of us have booties of different size and shape isn't? This might sound creepy to you but, have you ever stared at someone else's booty and it has got you wondering what a perfect and sculpted booty the Man or the...
Make the most of Yoga(for Women)-2021
Yoga has always been fruitful to many of the people for several ways. Here is what you need to know about the importance of Yoga for Women and how can Women make the most from it. Conclusion:In these times, almost every day several dangerous diseases are spreading...
Diabetes-the killer, Yoga-the rescuer of your life in 2021
We all are aware of the health issues and the increasing problems caused by them. The major reason for any disease is the unhealthy lifestyle we have adapted from past years. It is observed that the majority of people are suffering from diabetes and haven't recovered...
A gift from heaven is on its way! – 5 tips on how to stay healthy during Pregnancy
You’re probably reading this article because you got to know you’re PREGNANT! Am I right? Kudos! This pregnancy journey is going to bring a huge change to your life, obviously in a good way. I guess you’re screaming and jumping out of joy or you’re startled to hear...
5 Best Yoga For Bedtime To Sleep Better
Has your body ever felt physically tired, tired in the sense that you just feel like sleeping all day but your mind is not cooperative? Your mind is still racing as soon as your head gets to the pillow, leaving you awake like an owl? If the sweet dreams you had are...
Stress-free student life 2021-Yoga is a magical formula.
Being a student is beyond doubt a rigorous chapter of your life. School students of all ages are under constant pressure to meet their academic demands daily. Students’ number one priority is to be able to perform well at school as per their parent's and teachers'...
Shocking facts about teenage Life! – 6 benefits of yoga for teens
Whether you believe it or not in today’s world a teenager goes through a massive amount of tension and stress. According to an article between the age of 10 and 34, the leading cause of death is Suicide, teens living in rural areas are at the highest risk. This...
Yoga to shoot up height in women- 5 yoga asanas
If there is one body feature that many of us feel awkward about lacking the most is height. No one likes every feature they inherit. People keep trying for the betterment and the advancement can also be with physical height appearance. Some women want a better...
KNEE PAIN: Here are 5 Enormously useful Yoga Poses for Knee pain relief
I bet your knees are bent right now! My guess was surely right, but very skillfully you just changed the position of your legs and you probably have a subtle smile on your face and that’s how I wanted you to start reading this article with a smile on your face. I feel...
Weight gain 2021 – Yoga is the ultimate secret
The first question that comes to mind is weight gain necessary? Almost half of the world is following diet plans, running to the gym, joining yoga classes just to lose a little amount of weight they got. It is surprising to find out there is a section of people who...
5 Yoga for toned arms that Effectively helps to become a healthier
oga is very necessary for our day-to-day life. If you are also suffering from toned arms then this blog is for you. Here I am going to explain to you about Yoga for toned arms. One often likes wearing dresses with off-shoulders. There are very famous fashion trends...
Master The Art Of Yoga For Seniors With These 5 Yoga poses
The word "SENIORS" is not only daunting for our parents but also terrifying for their children as well. Why do you ask? Why won't it? I mean this is the age, you need to take the redundant amount of care. Parents enter their retirement period and the first worry that...
Natural Breast Growth: An incredibly easy method that works for all
The first question that comes to mind is why will a woman want breast growth? You might be aware of the fact that how important it is for a woman to look beautiful at any age. No matter what the situation, the only thing that matters to a woman is her appearance....
Yoga For Back Pain | 6 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Back Pain
How can simple back pain make our lives miserable? Remember no pain is simple, each kind of pain has a separate effect on your body. So does back pain, this simple back pain may affect your entire body and spoil your entire day since all you’ll do is lie down on the...
Everything You Wanted to Know About YOGA for men QNA-2021
Hello Guys!Ironically, many men believe that yoga is just for women. For all you men reading this article, you need to realize the fact that yoga was created by a bunch of men, to be specific Vedic priests from the Indus-Sarasvati civilization. Just like sports and...
What is Sciatica? | Everything You Need to Know
What is Sciatica? Have you heard of it before? No, then you definitely should at least gain a little bit of knowledge on what is it and how it may affect you. It is a back pain that may get worse with time and should be taken care of at the earliest. The most...
Do you feel Exhausted and Lethargic after a workout? 4 Astounding Benefits of Yoga post-workout
Well, many of you all must’ve had a hard time deciding on whether to hit the gym or do yoga. Am I right? You probably are not aware of the benefits of yoga for your body. You’re probably busy at the gym and have spent thousands of bucks on gym memberships with no...
Anxiety A Dangerous Disease | 5 Yoga Asana For Anxiety Beat This Disease
Yoga Asana For Anxiety – I am sure by now all of us are very much familiar with this word. Why t? All of us are anxious at some point in our lives. Am I right? Life is incomplete without being stressed or worried about the smallest thing. There are very few...
How to Get a Bikini Body Easily in 21 days at home
Hello,Welcome!If you are reading this article, I am sure you have gone from complacency to determination, from spending thousands of bucks on gym memberships to getting frustrated over no apparent results. or you are too busy at the gym because you are trying to...
Yoga for rescue-Relieve your chronic back pain, 5 Ideal Tips!
We all are aware of the health issues and the increasing problems caused by them. The major reason for any disease is the unhealthy lifestyle we have adopted in past years. It is observed that the majority of people are suffering from back pain and haven’t recovered...
How can Yoga changes your life?
Mind, body, and spirit, not just flesh and blood, could be the definition of human embodiment. Practicing Yoga can help you strengthen and improve all these aspects in both your physical and spiritual life. By now, you probably heard many people saying that their life...
Does food really help you grow taller?
Let’s clear this myth or a reality together by looking into some facts about height. Two growth periods are important for determining adult height: growth occurring from conception to 2 years of age, and growth occurring during adolescence before the onset of puberty....
Effects Of Yoga On Mental Health | 7 Basic Yoga For Mental Health
Effects Of Yoga On Mental Health | 7 Basic Yoga For Mental HealthIt's not easy for everyone. It has become a major matter of concern in today’s time for not everyone is aware of it. Effects Of Yoga On Mental Health will help you be aware of all problems thus mental...