Yoga Asana For Anxiety – I am sure by now all of us are very much familiar with this word. Why t? All of us are anxious at some point in our lives. Am I right?
Life is incomplete without being stressed or worried about the smallest thing. There are very few percentages of people who live a completely stress-free life or who chose not to worry over the smallest problem.
I mean no one here should feel this way, but its life, comes with the problem, all we can do is to be strong enough,
to face the difficulties by ourselves. We should learn to control life, not let life control us if you know what I mean.
Life becomes much easier if we learn to manage our stress and control it. I am not saying it’s easy to do it.
Each one of us follows a different lifestyle. Each one of us faces different kinds of problems each day. Here is how you can differentiate between anxiety since there are many,
below are given are a list of anxiety disorders-

Table of Contents
Types of anxiety disorders
1. Panic disorder – A panic attack is a result of sudden intense fear. The symptoms of a panic attack may include a pounding heartbeat, chest pain, or a lot of sweat. You even may feel like you’re having a heart attack or you’re choking.
2. Social anxiety disorder – It becomes difficult for you to be social since you constantly worry about being embarrassed or judged by others. This is just not a one-time thing; you feel overwhelmingly worried and self-conscious in every social situation. This is also known as social phobia.
3. Generalized anxiety disorder – Sometimes the problem may be very little, and sometimes there may be no problem at all-but you are constantly feeling excessive unrealistic tension and worry.
4. Specific phobias – Any kind of specific situation or object may get you all worried and scared. For example- many fear height. Sometimes you may end up avoiding an ordinary situation just because of fear. Let me share a personal experience, me and my brother fear of going through an elevator just because we got stuck once when we were kids. We may prefer walking on 6 floors but do not take a lift.
5. Agoraphobia – When you fear being trapped in a place, find it hard to escape, or can’t ask for help if there is an emergency. For example, being trapped in an elevator, standing in a line with a crowd, public transportation, etc.
6. Separation anxiety – Separation anxiety can be felt by anyone, it’s not just the kids who fear the separation from their loved ones. You constantly worry about your loved ones being separated from you or that something bad might happen to them.
7. Selective mutism – When young kids can talk to their parents normally at home but are uncomfortable talking in public, it is known as selective mutism.
8. Medication – Induced anxiety disorder- Some anxiety disorder symptoms may be triggered by the use of certain medication or illegal drugs or even withdrawal from certain drugs.
I am sure not all of you knew there were so many types of anxiety disorders. Now, that you are aware take this disease seriously and take strict action.
The problem of anxiety is just not small, if ignored can affect your mental health a lot. Do not be embarrassed by your anxiety, do not feel you’re the only one,
we all are on the same boat, at some point, we all feel cornered due to anxiety.
We all need to know, why it may happen and also research what needs to be done, and what may be the right plan of action to take away this horrible disease.
Now, it may not happen all at once, it takes time and a lot of patience. Here is what you can do to manage your anxiety disorder symptoms-

Yoga Asana For Anxiety disorder symptoms management
These are a few tips to lessen or at least control the symptoms:
- It is very important to learn about your disorder
- Always stick to your treatment plan
- Cut down food with caffeine
- Don’t do drugs or use alcohol
- Exercise and eat right
- Get enough and good sleep
- Think of ideas to be relaxed
- Write down your feelings in a journal
- Go out and be with your friends
- Be positive and try to manage your negative thoughts
Look for support.
Yoga therapy – Yoga Asana For Anxiety, cure for any kind of anxiety disorder
“Meditation, visualization, and focusing on breathing can help with letting go of worry and fear.
The overall practice of yoga can elicit the relaxation response, allowing both the body and mind to gain a sense of calm and ease.”
Katharina Star, Ph.D. Counsellor Specialising in Anxiety
Yoga itself is an effective self-soothing method. The people are not being asked to justify their way out of Yoga Asana For Anxiety in fact yoga therapy helps you in this situation.
Yoga helps to provide you with the right tools to accept the feelings, actions, and thoughts that lead to heightened Yoga Asana For Anxiety.
Yoga can be called a long-term investment since it lasts till the end. It is definitely a safe and inexpensive treatment option for Yoga Asana For Anxiety.
Yoga helps people become less anxious since yoga allows them to become aware of the link between their minds and bodies, and therefore Yoga is also known as a mind-body practice.
Yoga helps to offer a form of relaxation which can replace unhealthy coping mechanisms and also increases mind-body awareness.
In such cases, an essential treatment plan can be medication, but the side effects of medicines may disappoint some people since the process of withdrawal may become difficult.
Yoga can act as a support system for Yoga Asana For Anxiety in three ways- first of all, it helps to manage anxiety, help people regulate their stress, and increase their strength.
Here are yoga poses to practice | Yoga Asana For Anxiety
1. Butterfly pose

If you feel anxious this Yoga Asana For Anxiety helps you to calm down at the moment. This pose encourages internal reflection if you focus on breathing.
This pose provides you with the calmness you require since it is a meditative pose.
2. Extended triangle poses

Extended triangle posesYoga experts recommend this pose for beginners. This pose helps to alleviate depression and anxiety.
When life seems tough for you, this pose helps you to cope with it.
3. Bridge pose

It is said that this pose helps you to focus and think more clearly since this pose opens up space around your heart.
Therefore, this Yoga Asana For Anxiety can work great with anxiety.
4. Child pose

If the anxiety has an impact on your sleep, then this pose helps to provide a sense of stability and calmness.
If you have hip or knee injuries, be careful when you practice this yoga pose. Just because it is a calming pose, does not mean it’s easy.
5. Dolphin pose

If you are a person who faces anxiety, never feel left out because we all do too, you’re not alone in this. Do not consider anxiety as an embarrassment, we all go through with it at some or other time.
Being normally anxious is perfectly fine but constantly worrying about little things needs to be treated before it goes out of your hands. I know it’s not easy for such people but not giving up and being positive is the key in such a situation. You need to be your motivation, no one Is going to help you, you have to be your support system. Yoga is the best self-motivational therapy to help you get out of a tough situation. Just remember we can face any kind of tough situation if we are strong and confident enough to fight against it.